Reference material: Thinking In C++ 2nd eidition chapter 5 section "Handle classes" If there's something need to be hidden from clients of the class (such as an encryption algorithm, etc), you can use this pattern to hide the detail of your impl…
Handle Body Pattern 一些设计模式,通过一系列非直接的间接的方式(这种间接的方式,可称其为 handle(把手)),完成接口与实现(实现可称为 body(主体))的分离 Handle/Body pattern. 客户端代码通过操纵 handle(把手),把手操纵 body(主体),就像生活中从茶壶中倒水,不是捧着茶壶,而是抓住茶壶的手柄,再往外倒出水.就像手柄附着在茶壶这个主体上,handle 是覆盖(handle)在 body 上的便捷操作方式.故也可称 Handle/bod…
Segregate operations that read data from operations that update data by using separate interfaces. This pattern can maximize performance, scalability, and security; support evolution of the system over time through higher flexibility; and prevent upd…
Introduction As you may know event handlers are a common source of memory leaks caused by the persistence of objects that are not used anymore, and you may think should have been collected, but are not, and for good reason. … Continue reading → Intro…
类似的问题还有: why can't class template use Handle Class Pattern to hide its implementation? || why there are linker problems (undefined reference) to my class template? 我出现问题的源码(见main.cpp,Stack.h,Stack.cpp)(本来是准备用来展示Handle Class Pattern如何实现implementation-…
Implementation with Java From: In general, follow the Sun coding conventions.These are available at (the code in this book follows these conventions as much as I was able). These are us…
毫无疑问,Redis开创了一种新的数据存储思路,使用Redis,我们不用在面对功能单调的数据库时,把精力放在如何把大象放进冰箱这样的问题上,而是利用Redis灵活多变的数据结构和数据操作,为不同的大象构建不同的冰箱.希望你喜欢这个比喻. 下面是一篇新鲜出炉的文章,其作者是Redis作者@antirez,他描述了Redis比较适合的一些应用场景,NoSQLFan简单列举在这里,供大家一览: 1.取最新N个数据的操作 比如典型的取你网站的最新文章,通过下面方式,我们可以将最新的5000条评论的ID放…
C++ Core Guidelines September 9, 2015 Editors: Bjarne Stroustrup Herb Sutter This document is a very early draft. It is inkorrekt, incompleat, and pµøoorly formatted. Had it been an open source (code) project, this would have been release 0.6. Copy…
原文地址: Context Service lookup and creation involves complex interfaces and network operations. Problem J2EE clients interact with service components, such as Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) a…
Virtual addresses from multiple address spaces are translated to real addresses in main memory by generating for each virtual address an address space identifier (AID) identifying its address space. Then, the virtual address and its AID are used to o…