363. Trapping Rain Water public class Solution { /** * @param heights: a list of integers * @return: a integer */ public int trapRainWater(int[] heights) { // write your code here if (heights == null || heights.length == 0) { return 0; } int start =…
堆(heap),是一种特殊的数据结构.之所以特殊,因为堆的形象化是一个棵完全二叉树,并且满足任意节点始终不大于(或者不小于)左右子节点(有别于二叉搜索树Binary Search Tree).其中,前者称为小顶堆(最小堆,堆顶为最小值),后者为大顶堆(最大堆,堆顶为最大值).然而更加特殊的是,通常使用数组去存储堆,而不是二叉树.关于完全二叉树,可以参见另一篇博文http://www.cnblogs.com/eudiwffe/p/6207196.html // Heap is a sepcial…
原题连接:https://pta.patest.cn/pta/test/1342/exam/4/question/27102 题目如下: According to Wikipedia: Insertion sort iterates, consuming one input element each repetition, and growing a sorted output list. Each iteration, insertion sort removes one element fr…
[Unity][Heap sort]用Unity动态演示堆排序的过程 How Heap Sort Works 最近做了一个用Unity3D动态演示堆排序过程的程序. I've made this app to show how heap sort works recently. 效果图(Demo) 一图抵千言. A picture paints a thousand words. 堆排序(Heap Sort) 堆排序总是建立这样一个二叉树:其父结点总大于其子结点. Step 1: The fir…
创建项目的时候报错: Failed to sync Gradle project 'xxx' Error:Unable to start the daemon process: could not reserve enough space for object heap. Please assign more memory to Gradle in the project's gradle.properties file.For example, the following line, in t…
BSS段:BSS段(bss segment)通常是指用来存放程序中未初始化的全局变量的一块内存区域.BSS是英文Block Started by Symbol的简称.BSS段属于静态内存分配. 数据段:数据段(data segment)通常是指用来存放程序中已初始化的全局变量的一块内存区域.数据段属于静态内存分配. 代码段:代码段(code segment/text segment)通常是指用来存放程序执行代码的一块内存区域.这部分区域的大小在程序运行前就已经确定,并且内存区域通常属于只…
报错信息: Error occurred during initialization of VM Could not reserve enough space for object heap Could not create the Java virtual machine. 解决方法: 在catalina.bat中增加如下设置 set JAVA_OPTS=-server -XX:MaxHeapSize=256m -Xms512m -Xmx512m…
According to Wikipedia: Insertion sort iterates, consuming one input element each repetition, and growing a sorted output list. Each iteration, insertion sort removes one element from the input data, finds the location it belongs within the sorted li…