I need to debug a full-trust application either by specifying a URL or, ideally, from within the web app I am intending to deploy it to. I've tried the following: Running "PresentationHost.exe -embedding" from the command-line, attaching through…
http://blog.csdn.net/shuilan0066/article/details/8738035 分类:            调试错误信息2013-03-29 19:08492人阅读评论(0)收藏举报 1 error BK1506 : cannot open file '.\Debug\????????.sbr': No such file or dire 解决方法: 从工程->设置->浏览信息->创建创建浏览信息的复选框的勾给去掉就行了 工程---属性---C/C--…
老外参考文章1 老外参考文章2 I created a WPF browser application MyApp then published it by ClickOnce in VS2008. Published folder like this: PublishedFolder\MyApp.xbap PublishedFolder\setup.exe PublishedFolder\Application Files\MyApp_0_0_0_1\ MyApp.xbap Published…
版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载. URLClassPath.getLoader 在用Eclipse调试Java程序时,新手遇到的一个问题是断点老是执行不到,弹出URLClassPath$JarLoader.getJarFile(URL)错误,需要按F8按到手软,经过到Google搜索终于找到解决方法. 在Debug模式下,打开断点窗口,去掉FileNotFoundException就OK了.…
I'm writing a C++ MFC program on VS2008 and I'm getting this "Debug Assertion Error" when I first run the program sometimes. When I try to debug it, it takes me to this winhand.cpp file which is not part of the program I wrote so I'm not sure ho…
The Portable Executable File Format from Top to Bottom Randy KathMicrosoft Developer Network Technology Group Created: June 12, 1993 Click to open or copy the files in the EXEVIEW sample application for this technical article. Click to open or copy t…
命令简介: 该命令用来识别文件类型,也可用来辨别一些文件的编码格式.它是通过查看文件的头部信息来获取文件类型,而不是像Windows通过扩展名来确定文件类型的. 执行权限 :All User 指令所在路径:/usr/bin/file 命令语法: file [ -bchikLnNprsvz ] [ -f namefile ] [ -F separator ] [ -m magicfiles ] file ... 命令参数: 下表列出了部分常用的参数. 参数 长参数 描叙 -b 列出文件辨识结果时,…
xml文件格式如下 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <root> <appKey>abcdefg</appKey> <appSecret>hijklmn</appSecret> <serverUrl>opqrst</serverUrl> <accessToken>uvwxyz</accessToken>…
1. 进入debug模式 # perl -d ./perl_debugger.pl it prompts, DB<1>   2. 查看从第10行开始的代码. 查看函数get_pattern的代码 DB<1> l 10 10: my $pattern; DB<2> l get_pattern 11 { 12:    my $pattern; 13:    print “Enter search string: “; 14:    chomp ($pattern = );…
file: 查看文件类型 file常见命令参数 Usage: file [OPTION...] [FILE...] Determine type of FILEs. --help display this help and exit -v, --version output version information and exit -m, --magic-file LIST use LIST as a colon-separated list of magic number files -z,…