GDCPC 2008:B Reading books】的更多相关文章

Problem B Reading books (Input File: / Standard Output) In the summer vacation, LRJ wants to improve himself in computer science. So he finds out N books of computer science in the school library. The books are numbered from 0 to N-1. To fini…
题目大意: 输入 N,M 接下来1-N行输入读该书的用时time[i] 接下来1-M行输入a,b  表示a和b是similar的 若a读过则读b用时为 time[b]/2 ,若b读过则读a用时为 time[a]/2 Sample Input 2 16100 13 21230 11 23 12460 10 0 Sample Output 11310 Hint For the first test case, if LRJ read the books in the order (0, 1), th…
题意:有\(n\)本书,A和B都至少要从喜欢的书里面读\(k\)本书,如果一本书两人都喜欢的话,那么他们就可以一起读来节省时间,问最少多长时间两人都能够读完\(k\)本书. 题解:我们可以分\(3\)种情况来存,即: ​ 1.\(a=b=1\). 2.\(a=1,b=0\). 3.\(a=0,b=1\). 对于2和3来说,我们可以将他们排序,然后合并到一起,最后放到第1种情况中再排一次序,取前\(k\)个前缀和即可. 代码: int n,k; int t,x,y; int ans; vector…
For much of the last year, intellectuals and officials in China -- land of world-beating students and, in a bygone age, the scholar official -- have been wringing their hands over the country's declining interest in reading. bygone:过去的        wringin…
描述 Jim is fond of reading books, and he has so many books that sometimes it's hard for him to manage them. So he is asking for your help to solve this problem. Only interest in the name, press year and price of the book, Jim wants to get a sorted lis…
List the Books Time Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KB Jim is fond of reading books, and he has so many books that sometimes it's hard for him to manage them. So he is asking for your help to solve this problem. Only interest in the name, p…
There have been many excellent books that have greatly influenced what I believe and how I behave. I try to spend at least some time every day reading or listening to the audio version of a book that will improve my life in some way. When I first sta…
This post is first posted on my WeChat public account: GeekArtT Reading source code is always one big part for software engineers. Just like the writers to learn writing by reading a heck of classic books, like the painters to "read" a bunches o…
B. Rebranding The name of one small but proud corporation consists of n lowercase English letters. The Corporation has decided to try rebranding — an active marketing strategy, that includes a set of measures to change either the brand (both for the…
手头有台Linux服务器ssh登录时超级慢,需要几十秒.其它服务器均没有这个问题.平时登录操作都默默忍了.今天终于忍不住想搞清楚到底什么原因.搜索了一下发现了很多关于ssh登录慢的资料,于是自己也学着来分析.印证一下ssh登录慢的原因. 出现ssh登录慢一般有两个原因:DNS反向解析的问题和ssh的gssapi认证 1:ssh的gssapi认证问题 GSSAPI ( Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) 是一套类…