ionic cordova social media sharing plugin】的更多相关文章 从上面的连接下载 插件 1.肯定是要加入 下面的那个文件的吖 从这里下载 ngCordova.min.js 2. 不要忘记了 在app.js 中注入 ngCordova angular.module('starter', ['ionic', 'ngCordova']) 3. 在控制器中  注意:不要忘记注入  $cordovaSocialSharing ,不然会…
问题描述: 在ionic 项目中出现编译android 的时候 出现 Cordova failed to install plugin  Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory AndroidManifest.xml 无法编译android apk 解决方案: cordova platform remove android cordova platform add android@…
注意事项 ionic1需要ng-cordova plugin的使用都需要放到deviceready事件的回调中, 设备准备好了才能设备交互 plugin只有在真机上才有效果, 模拟器(部分)和browser中是无效的 插件安装 官网Doc - ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-camera 插件的引入 i…
The past couple of months have seen an increased acknowledgement of the role social media has to play in the development of the financial services sector.  Industry forums like Finextra's Live Social Media Days held in London and New York and the ina…
如何调用cordova 中的screenshot插件进行截图 首先添加 ionic cordova plugin add com.darktalker.cordova.screenshot npm install --save @ionic-native/screenshot 然后在你使用的TS下导入 import { Screenshot } from '@ionic-native/screenshot'; constructor( public screenshot: Screenshot)…
Many companies regularly look up job applicants online as part of the hiring process. A new study suggests they may also use what they find to discriminate. discriminate against:歧视,排斥 look up:查阅,仰望,拜访 The study, a Carnegie Mellon University experimen…
Social media users of the world unite!全世界社交媒体用户联合起来!If Plato were alive today, he might well regard much of the work we do as leisure, and much of theleisure we enjoy as work. Those extravagantly paid Davosian chief executives who jet around theworld…
我们看 Ionic 能给我们提供什么?  一个样式库,你可以使用它 来 装饰你的 HTML 网页 ,看起来 想 移动程序的 界面,什么 header .content.footer.grid.list.这貌似没什么 实质性的东西, sencha touch ,jq 都能提供 .一个用 AngularJS 写的 工具库,姑且叫它 组件库吧.Ionic的 grid 设计的比较合理,比 bootstrap的 更强大.当然它 还包含 了angular-animate.angular-resource.a…
Ionic 调用 Device 设备 Api 获取手机的设备信息 1. 找到对应的Api: 2. 安装相关的设备插件 ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device npm install --save @ionic-native/device 3. 在app.module.ts中引入注册相应模块 import { Device } from '@ionic…
css social media <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="zh-Hans" manifest="manifest.appcache"> <!-- manifest.json --> <head> <!-- <meta charset=&…