Below are four faulty programs. Each includes a test case that results in failure. Answer the following questions about each progrma. (a) Indentify the fault. (b) If possible, identify a test case that does not execute the fault. (c) If possible, ide…
Use the following method printPrimes() for question a-d below //Find and prints n prime integers private static void printPrimes(int n){ int curPrime; //Value currently considered for primeness. int numPrimes; //Number of primes found so far. boolean…
Introduction to Software Testing 文章目录 Going to Learn --. Evolution of The Software Industry Errors, Faults, and Failures Purpose of the Classification Fault Types Classification of Failures why software has faults Engineering Approaches Role of Speci……
目标程序 较上次增加两个相同的输入框 使用方法介绍 因果图法 在Introduction to Software Testing by Paul一书中,将软件测试的覆盖标准划分为四类,logical expressions,syntactic descriptions,graphs,input domain characterizations,就我所学的内容来看,等价类划分属于input domain characterizations,控制流与数据流测试属于graphs,而因果图法属于logi…
接下来读什么(page 14) 现在你应该已经阅读了所有的(page1-13 )介绍材料,决定继续使用Django.我们仅仅做了简要的介绍(事实上,如果你阅读了前面所有的内容,也只是全部文档的5%.) 那下一步怎么做呢? 好吧,我们都是通过实践来学习的狂热爱好者.在这一点上,你应该已经了解了足够的知识去启动你的项目,并开始四处闲逛.当你需要去学习一些新的技巧时,请回来继续学习文档. 我们花费了大量精力,使用django的文档使用.易读并尽可能的完整.本节文档下面的内容更多的是关于文档是如何工作的…
Spring Framework Reference Documentation I. Overview of Spring Framework . Getting Started with Spring . Introduction to the Spring Framework II. Core Technologies . The IoC container . Resources . Validation, Data Binding, and Type Conversion . Spri…
Concept: Truth, Information Flow, Clear Responsibilities and Immutability 1. Truth 1.1 Single Source of Truth 单一的事实/真想来源 Ref[2] Ref[3] "One core principle that is good to keep in mind when modelling various states is to try to stick to a “single sour…
 Prism provides guidance designed to help you more easily design and build rich, flexible, and easy-to-maintain Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) desktop applications. Using design patterns such as Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM), Composite View, and… By Brent Yorgey, Originally published 12 March 2009 in issue 13 of the Monad.Reader. Ported to the Haskell wiki in November 2011 by Geheimdienst. This is now the official vers…