using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Management; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; namespace Metasharp { public class DriveManager { #region SetLabel /// <summary> /// set a…
Article Author(s): Audric Thevenet All Rights Reserved. Here's how to format hard drives, floppies, usb drives, ... in C#. Put the following code in a DriveManager.cs file in your project. Add the following references : System.Management (from the GA…
VBA 格式化字符串 VBA 的 Format 函数与工作表函数 TEXT 用法基本相同,但功能更加强大,许多格式只能用于VBA 的 Format 函数,而不能用于工作表函数 TEXT ,以下是本人归纳的几点用法,希望对学习VBA有所裨益.Format(值,格式(可选参数))一.数字格式:1.General Number:普通数字,可以用来去掉千位分隔号和无效 0 .如:Format("1,234,567.80", "General Number")="1…