What advice do you have for people who want to start open-source projects/companies? originally appeared on Quora: the place to gain a… Since its inception in 1998, open source has become the de-facto standard for software development and proven itsel… A few weeks ago I gave the Day 2 opening keynote at PerconaLive, a conference focused on Open Source Databases. My talk, titled “The Open Source Business Model is…
How to: Create a Business Model in the XPO Data Model Designer This topic provides step-by-step instructions on how to use the XPO Data Model Designer in XAF applications. We will create a simple business model consisting of two objects - Employee an…
本文转自: 本文来自First Round Review,他们准备的文章既讲故事,还同时向创业者提供可操作的建议,以助力打造优秀的公司. 精益创业一词已经广为人知.然而,其背后的哲学则来自于作家兼创业者 Alexander Osterwalder 和瑞士学者 Yves Pigneur 的 Business Model Canvas (商业模式画布). Business Model Canvas 是销售过百万.被翻译成 30 种语言…
This topic provides step-by-step instructions on how to use the XPO Data Model Designer in XAF applications. We will create a simple business model consisting of two objects - Employee and Task. These objects will be linked with a one-to-many relatio…
Note This section is split into two parts, which describe the use of two different Object-relational mapping (ORM) 请注意本节分为两个部分,它们描述了两个不同对象关系映射(ORM)的使用 tools: Entity Framework (EF) and eXpress Persistent Objects (XPO) 工具:EF和XPO . You will start by cho…
封面 内容简介 <商业模式新生代>内容简介:当你愉快的看完第一章:商业模式画布,赫然发现这些构成要素全都交织成一幅清晰的图像在脑海中呈现,它们如何互相影响.如何交互作用全都历历在目.利用商业模式画布分析瑞士银行.Google.乐高.任天堂.Apple等跨国企业,归纳出三种不同的产业模式,也涵括新近的热门现象免费效应及长尾理论等.在这些有趣的例子中,我们不仅更熟稔如何利用这个画布作分析,也更知道如何自己自身企业的处境. 以上的内容,只是企业再造的基础,了解现在,是为了能帮我们想象更好的未来.想象… by Matthew Langham, Indiginox on 3 February 2009 , last updated 9 September 2012 Even today, mentioning the words ‘business’ and ‘open source’ in the same sentence can solicit strange remarks from… Summary Security and risk management leaders are implementing and expanding SIEM to improve early targeted attack detection and response. Advanced users seek SIEM with advanced prof…