一种聚类方式,代码解析 #!/usr/bin/env python ''' Floodfill sample. Usage: floodfill.py [<image>] Click on the image to set seed point Keys: f - toggle floating range c - toggle 4/8 connectivity ESC - exit ''' # Python 2/3 compatibility from __future__ import p…
cv::CommandLineParser的使用. I suppose CommandLineParser::has("something") should be true when the command line has --something in it. ./a.out -h ./a.out --help 打印keys的相关内容. #include <opencv2/core/utility.hpp> #include <iostream> using…
操作Mat元素时:I.at<double>(1,1) = CV_PI; /* * * cvout_sample just demonstrates the serial out capabilities of cv::Mat * That is, cv::Mat M(...); cout << M; Now works. * */ #include "opencv2/core/core.hpp" #include <iostream> using n…