听说koa比express更傻瓜化,真的? Koa 框架教程 本身代码只有1000多行,所有功能都通过插件实现,很符合 Unix 哲学. 搭建简单服务器 Koa, 架设一个简单的服务器 // demos/01.js const Koa = require('koa'); const app = new Koa(); app.listen(3000); 访问,显示: Express呢? From: nodejs搭建web服务器就是这么简单! //引入ht…
A router library is no good if we have to hardcode every single route in our application. In this lesson we look at how to access variables in our routes and pass them into our components. Define a route param by using ":message", () make it opt…
基础: 初步理解:Node.js Express 框架 参见:[Node.js] 08 - Web Server and REST API 进阶: Ref: 如何系统地学习 Express?[该网页有一些不错的资源] express是一个基于node的web框架(集成web服务器+mvc),当然其实不用框架,使用node自己弄一个web服务器和mvc框架也不是很麻烦(Node为网络而生,当然强大的不止这点),但是有优秀的express,封装了很多常用功能,推荐用. express主要依赖conn…
故事背景 [1] 博客笔记结合<React快速上手开发>再次系统地.全面地走一遍. [2] React JS Tutorials:包含了JS --> React --> Redux --> Mobx 项目部署 着眼于ful-stack全局,了解前后端的部署,之后才能深刻理解react的角色与位置. 1. 服务器部署 [AWS] Deploy react project on EC2 2. 用户权限管理 [AWS] OAuth2.0 [AWS] User management…
有了七篇基础学习,了解相关的知识体系,之后便是系统地再来一次. [React] 01 - Intro: javaScript library for building user interfaces [React] 02 - Intro: react component and Design pattern [React] 03 - Intro: react.js in twelve demos [React] 04 - Intro: MongoDB becomes popular [React…
Ref: REACT JS TUTORIAL #6 - React Router & Intro to Single Page Apps with React JS Ref: REACT JS TUTORIAL #7 - React Router Params & Queries Ref: REACT JS TUTORIAL #8 - React Inline Styles & Component Arrays Ref: react 技巧 #3 react-router 教程 pa…
The open source, cross platform, free C++ IDE. Code::Blocks is a free C++ IDE built to meet the most demanding needs of its users. It is designed to be very extensible and fully configurable. Finally, an IDE with all the features you need, having a c…
将感悟心得记于此,重启程序员模式. js, py, c++, java, php 融汇之全栈系列 [Full-stack] 快速上手开发 - React [Full-stack] 状态管理技巧 - Redux [Full-stack] 网页布局艺术 - Less [Full-stack] 异步即时通信 - Async [Full-stack] 跨平台大框架 - RN [Full-stack] 世上最好语言 - PHP 贯通之语言比对 /* 这部分有点全栈系列的味道,日后进阶 */ 语言与框架 语…
有幸你能看来我的这篇文章,这篇文章是继React后面写的Reactroute,所以你需要看看我前面整理的React笔记再来看Reactroute可能更容易 All the work we've done so far has either been in index.js or Detail.js, but now we're going to add a third file called List.js that will render a home page for our app. Fr…
There is a lot you can do with the React Native Navigator. Here, I will try to go over a few examples of what you can do with the Navigator and explain how it all works in depth. In React Native you have two choices as of now for Navigation (only one…