fedora input problem...】的更多相关文章

davelv最近很郁闷,因为他在Fedora 下用Eclipse写程序的时候,一旦有Eclipse实现了自动提示.代码补齐等功能后,键盘就失去相应,必须根据点右键或者切换窗口才能输入.就上网查,发现是Eclipse跟Scim输入法之间有冲突造成的,解决方案有如下两个 : 1.在工作位置处(就是编辑代码的地方)点击右-->输入法(英文版是 Input Method)-->SCIM XXXXX选择这项就可以解决问题.如果你使用的是SCIM输入法但是这里没有SCIM之类的选项,可能是scim-bri…
2ed,  by Timothy Sauer DEFINITION 1.3A solution is correct within p decimal places if the error is less than 0.5 × 10$^{−p}$ .-P29Bisection Method的优点是计算次数(step)是确定的(interval<精度).后面介绍的算法的interval是不确定的, 所以什么时候结束计算呢?不知道.所以定义“stopping criteria’’来决定什么时候结束…
Problem Description The Head Elder of the tropical island of Lagrishan has a problem. A burst of foreign aid money was spent on extra roads between villages some years ago. But the jungle overtakes roads relentlessly, so the large road network is too…
Minimal Circle Time Limit: 5 Seconds      Memory Limit: 32768 KB You are to write a program to find a circle which covers a set of points and has the minimal area. There will be no more than 100 points in one problem. Input The input contains several…
题目描述: 有一个无限大的矩形,初始时你在左上角(即第一行第一列),每次你都可以选择一个右下方格子,并瞬移过去(如从下图中的红色格子能直接瞬移到蓝色格子),求到第n行第m列的格子有几种方案,答案对1000000007取模. Input 单组测试数据. 两个整数n,m(2<=n,m<=100000) Output 一个整数表示答案. Input示例 4 5 Output示例 10 题目分析:定义f(n,m)为从左上角走到(n,m)的所有方案数.显然有f(n,m)=∑ ∑ f(i,j),其中1≤i…
Quicker宏在SI中的使用方法(下载地址:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1VrDxlPhft7RPUCCOKxsGIg  提取码:2d4u) Quicker宏的添加到SI中配置方法: 1. 运行SI,打开Base工程,如果没有该工程,则生成它,将Quicker.em加入到工程中 2. 安装触发热键和菜单,打开SI的Options的Key Assignments菜单,在Command窗口中选择Macro: AutoExpand然后对其赋一个热键,例如Ctrl Enter…
2ed,  by Timothy Sauer DEFINITION 1.3A solution is correct within p decimal places if the error is less than 0.5 × 10$^{−p}$ .-P29Bisection Method的优点是计算次数(step)是确定的(interval<精度).后面介绍的算法的interval是不确定的, 所以什么时候结束计算呢?不知道.所以定义“stopping criteria’’来决定什么时候结束…
Getting Started: Building for Apple iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch ¶ Getting Started Preparation Get the source code Disk Space Requirements Build Preparation Build for Desktop Windows Linux MacOS X Python Build for Mobile iOS: Apple iPhone, iPad, and i…
You are to write a program to find a circle which covers a set of points and has the minimal area. There will be no more than 100 points in one problem. Input The input contains several problems. The first line of each problem is a line containing on…
Given an array of integers that is already sorted in ascending order, find two numbers such that they add up to a specific target number. The function twoSum should return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to the target, where index1 m…
Given a Binary Search Tree and a target number, return true if there exist two elements in the BST such that their sum is equal to the given target. Example 1: Input: 5 / \ 3 6 / \ \ 2 4 7 Target = 9 Output: True Example 2: Input: 5 / \ 3 6 / \ \ 2 4…
Install problem!The configuration defaults for GNOME Power Manager have not been installed correctly. Please contact your computer administrator As per my findings, I am getting this problem only because I have accidentally changed permissions on /tm…
import sys import psyco #一键优化库 psyco.full() def main(): n, k = map(int, sys.stdin.readline().strip().split()) #两位数输入的复用 count = 0 for t in sys.stdin: #注意这个for循环方式 if int(t) % k == 0: count += 1 print '%d' % count #注意格式输出 main() #写成函数的格式是一个良好的习惯 学到 py…
Introduction Log files are files that contain messages about the system, including the kernel, services, and applications running on it. There are different log files for different information. For example, there is a default system log file, a log f…
There is some notes while I am learning Ubuntu Operate System! (Ask Ubuntu & Fedora) 1-- Hard link : ln command have different parm. Hard link means that the two files is connect together for backup the original files.If you edit any of the two files…
求有限集传递闭包的 Floyd Warshall 算法(矩阵实现) 其实就三重循环.zzuoj 1199 题 链接 http://acm.zzu.edu.cn:8000/problem.php?id=1199 Problem B: 大小关系 Time Limit: 2 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MBSubmit: 148  Solved: 31[Submit][Status][Web Board] Description 当我们知道一组大小关系之后,可判断所有关系是否都能成立…
Introduction The RPM Package Manager (RPM) is an open packaging system that runs on Fedora as well as other Linux and UNIX systems. Red Hat and the Fedora Project encourage other vendors to use RPM for their own products. RPM is distributed under the…
C - NP-Hard Problem Crawling in process... Crawling failed Time Limit:2000MS     Memory Limit:262144KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u Submit Status Practice CodeForces 688C uDebug Description   Input   Output   Sample Input   Sample Output   Hint…
题意: 给你一个数n,表示有n辆火车,编号从1到n,入站,问你有多少种出站的可能.    (题于文末) 知识点: ps:百度百科的卡特兰数讲的不错,注意看其参考的博客. 卡特兰数(Catalan):前几项为 : 1, 1, 2, 5, 14, 42, 132, 429, 1430, 4862, 16796, 58786, 208012, 742900, 2674440, 9694845, 35357670- 令h(0)=1,h(1)=1,catalan数满足递推式:      h(n)= h(0…
2301: [HAOI2011]Problem b Time Limit: 50 Sec  Memory Limit: 256 MBSubmit: 4032  Solved: 1817[Submit][Status][Discuss] Description 对于给出的n个询问,每次求有多少个数对(x,y),满足a≤x≤b,c≤y≤d,且gcd(x,y) = k,gcd(x,y)函数为x和y的最大公约数. Input 第一行一个整数n,接下来n行每行五个整数,分别表示a.b.c.d.k Outp…
You are given two jugs with capacities x and y litres. There is an infinite amount of water supply available. You need to determine whether it is possible to measure exactly z litres using these two jugs. If z liters of water is measurable, you must…
A city's skyline is the outer contour of the silhouette formed by all the buildings in that city when viewed from a distance. Now suppose you are given the locations and height of all the buildings as shown on a cityscape photo (Figure A), write a pr…
3489: A simple rmq problem Time Limit: 40 Sec  Memory Limit: 600 MBSubmit: 1594  Solved: 520[Submit][Status][Discuss] Description 因为是OJ上的题,就简单点好了.给出一个长度为n的序列,给出M个询问:在[l,r]之间找到一个在这个区间里只出现过一次的数,并且要求找的这个数尽可能大.如果找不到这样的数,则直接输出0.我会采取一些措施强制在线. Input 第一行为两个整…
A Simple Tree Problem Time Limit: 3 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KB Given a rooted tree, each node has a boolean (0 or 1) labeled on it. Initially, all the labels are 0. We define this kind of operation: given a subtree, negate all its labels. An…
K - Yet Another Multiple Problem Time Limit:20000MS     Memory Limit:65536KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u Submit Status Practice HDU 4474 Appoint description:  System Crawler  (2014-10-16) Description There are tons of problems about integer mul…
Problem: Given an array of integers that is already sorted in ascending order, find two numbers such that they add up to a specific target number. The function twoSum should return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to the target, where…
  To save a visual to an image file need to use RenderTargetBitmap, detail is reference to Save and read images in WPF. But sometimes you will find the output image was shifted or left blank. This is because that RenderTargetBitmap render the visual…
B. A Trivial Problem time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Mr. Santa asks all the great programmers of the world to solve a trivial problem. He gives them an integer m and asks f…
[BZOJ1700][Usaco2007 Jan]Problem Solving 解题 Description 过去的日子里,农夫John的牛没有任何题目. 可是现在他们有题目,有很多的题目. 精确地说,他们有P (1 <= P <= 300) 道题目要做. 他们还离开了农场并且象普通人一样找到了工作. 他们的月薪是M (1 <= M <= 1000) 元. 他们的题目是一流的难题,所以他们得找帮手.帮手们不是免费的,但是他们能保证在一个月内作出任何题目.每做一道题需要两比付款,…
Link http://acm.hust.edu.cn/vjudge/contest/121539#problem/C Description standard input/output After a long ACM training day, Master Hasan invited his trainees for a light dinner in the cafeteria. The cafeteria has N tables, each with a number of chai…