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最近找到去年上半年看过一本关于测试方面书籍的总结笔记,一直放在我的个人U盘里,当时是用Xmind记录的,现在重新整理下分享给大家了! James A.Whittaker [美] 詹姆斯·惠特克(软件测试领域绝对的大师)著作<Exploratory Software Testing>,中文名<探索式软件测试>,记得当时被这本书深深吸引啦(我不知道有多少做测试的小伙伴看过这本书)!感觉是测试方面一本必不可少的书籍,瞬间感觉测试的魅力!废话不多说,直接来干货,希望可以给对探索式测试喜欢或…
软件测试(英语:software testing),描述一种用来促进鉴定软件的正确性.完整性.安全性和质量的过程.软件测试的经典定义是:在规定的条件下对程序进行操作,以发现程序错误,衡量软件质量,并对其是否能满足设计要求进行评估的过程.   软件测试是使用人工操作或者软件自动运行的方式来检验它是否满足规定的需求或弄清预期结果与实际结果之间的差别的过程.   它是帮助识别开发完成(中间或最终的版本)的计算机软件(整体或部分)的正确度(correctness) .完全度(completeness)和…
Software Testing Part I:The Big Picture 1.Software Testing Background Bug's formal definition 1.The software doesn't do something that the product specification says it should do. 2.The software does something that the product specification says it s…
Software Testing Software testing is the process of evaluation a software item to detect differences between given input and expected output. Also to assess the feature of A software item. Testing assesses the quality of the product. Software testing…
1. Installing 1. Install firefox 38.5.1 2. Install SeleniumIDE    After installing, I set the view of toolbox, then we can see this 3. Install Selenium Client & WebDrive 4. Install Selenium Standalone Server 5. Installed Test After downloading we hav…
最近找到去年上半年看过一本关于测试方面书籍的总结笔记,一直放在我的个人U盘里,当时是用Xmind记录的,现在重新整理下分享给大家了! James A.Whittaker [美] 詹姆斯·惠特克(软件测试领域绝对的大师)著作<Exploratory Software Testing>,中文名<探索式软件测试>,记得当时被这本书深深吸引啦(我不知道有多少做测试的小伙伴看过这本书)!感觉是测试方面一本必不可少的书籍,瞬间感觉测试的魅力!废话不多说,直接来干货,希望可以给对探索式测试喜欢或…
Software Testing Testing with a Purpose Software testing is performed to verify that the completed software package functions according to the expectations defined by the requirements/specifications. The overall objective to not to find every softwar…
这几天一直在看一本书,<The art of software testing>,里面有一个例子挺有感触地,写出来和大家分享一下: [问题] 从输入对话框中读取三个整数值,这三个整数值代表了三角形三边的长度.程序显示提示信息,指出该三角形究竟是:不规则三角形/等腰三角形/等边三角形. [测试] 下面是一个测试人员要想得问题,你测试一下自己,如果是你设计测试用例,你可以想到多少个测试用例?每想到一个1分.看答案之前最好先想想. [答案] 1,是否有这样的测试用例,代表了一个有效的不规则三角形?2…
Introduction to Software Testing 文章目录 Going to Learn --. Evolution of The Software Industry Errors, Faults, and Failures Purpose of the Classification Fault Types Classification of Failures why software has faults Engineering Approaches Role of Speci…
Junit和Hamcrest的安装需要先把两个jar文件下载到本地,具体取得方式多种多样,我是直接从同学那要的.新建一个java项目,在新建时直接在库中导入这两个包即可. 这次编程内容是一个测试三角形类型的小程序,具体代码在GitHub上已详细给出,这里主要是对测试进行讨论.有四种类型,分别为not a triangle, equilateral, isosceles and scalene. 我输入了如下八项进行测试: public static Collection prepareData(…
Use the following method printPrimes() for question a-d below //Find and prints n prime integers private static void printPrimes(int n){ int curPrime; //Value currently considered for primeness. int numPrimes; //Number of primes found so far. boolean…
Github ID:  bzdwdmzjsmff Github address: alternative article: Increasing Dependability of Component-Based Software Systems by Online Failure Prediction 文章阅读方向:缺陷预测…
1. Installing  1. Install Junit and hamcrest First, I download the Junit-4.12.jar and hamcrest-core-1.3.jar Then. I add them into eclipse library After installing,    2. Installing eclemma Installing with Eclipse Marketplace 2. Testing Coding Write a…
Mocking: Difference between error and failure: TDD: BDD:…
(a):可绘制出如下图所示的流程图 (b):对于测试用例t1=(n=3)和t2=(n=5),MAXPRIMES = 4时,t1不能检查出错误,而t2则会发生数组越界错. (c):要使测试路径不通过while循环体,只要numPrimes = n,直接取n = 1为测试用例即可. (d):节点覆盖:{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15} 边覆盖:{(1,2),(2,3),(2,12),(3,4),(4,5),(5,6),(5,9),(6,7),(7,5),(7,…
Fault的定义:可能导致系统或功能失效的异常条件(Abnormal condition that can cause an element or an item tofail.),可译为“故障”.   Error的定义:计算.观察或测量值或条件,与真实.规定或理论上正确的值或条件之间的差异(Discrepancy between a computed, observed or measured value or condition and the true, specified, or the…
I still remember the error which I made in my java project last year. I spent a whole night solving it and finally I found it and corrected it. My java project consisted of several parts, every part just had some simple functions so it was maybe a ea…
Below are four faulty programs. Each includes a test case that results in failure. Answer the following questions about each progrma. (a) Indentify the fault. (b) If possible, identify a test case that does not execute the fault. (c) If possible, ide…
没有网的日子不好过,Junit4下不下来,先用androidTestCase实现一个. 遇到了几个bug. 首先是除0问题. public void testDivide(){ result=calculate.divide(5, 2); if(calculate.getIsError()){ assertEquals(flag, true); }else{ assertEquals(2.5, result); } double result1=calculate.divide(5, 0); i…
软件测试用到的 pict33.msi. 加载安装即可. 顺步安装 使用背景: 假如现在有一个网站后台需要测试工程师进行测试用例设计.用常规的方法将参数列出: 帐户名: 空,不存在,超长,超短,正常 密码: 空,超长,超短,不匹配,正常 验证码: 空,超长,超短,不匹配,正常 会话: 保存一个月,保存三个月,保存一年,不保存 按钮: 确定,取消 有1000多种组合.对其做测试,非常困难的.用PICT的话就非常方便,测试用例的数量将大大降低:同时,也可保证很高的测试覆盖率. [原理:这种方式就是正交…
作业2期心得体会.第一期仍有未完成的项目,比如应该指定所读课题的范围,是关于哪个方面的. 作业项目一: 安装并使用CheckStyle/PMD与FindBug 现在网络上查找了一番发现checkStyle是eclipse上面使用的插件.用于为eclipse进行代码风格的检查.因为自己用过eclipse一段时间,而且感觉eclipse很强大,而且已经能够检查许多项目.所以,觉得自己可能已经安装过这个插件,所以,我先做的工作是,判定自己有没有checkstyle. 步骤1:打开eclipse ->w…
一.Checkstyle安装及使用 1.checkstyle插件包: checkstyle.xml配置文件: 2.下载后,将里面的两个文件夹plugins和 features下面的文件分别拷贝到eclipse目录下面对应的plugins和features目录,重启eclipse. 3.Eclipse中,选择Windows->Preferences->…
1.Install Junit(4.12), Hamcrest(1.3) with Eclipse 2.Install Eclemma with Eclipse 3.Write a java program for the triangle problem and test the program with Junit. Description of triangle problem: Function triangle takes three integers a,b,c which are…
Questions: • 7. Use the following method printPrimes() for questions a–d. 基于Junit及Eclemma(jacoco)实现一个主路径覆盖的测试. /***************************************************************** * Finds and prints n prime integers * Jeff Offutt, Spring 2003 *********…
Questions: Below are two faulty programs. Each includes a test case that results in failure. Answer the following questions (in the next slide) about each program. 1.Identify the fault.
 2.If possible, identify a test case that does not execute the f…
最令我印象深刻的程序错误几乎都是那些细节,具体的记不清了,因为真的很细.他们不会报正常的错,要么是时而可以正常运行,时而不能正常运行但是没有报错,比如闪退或者持续运行没有输出:要么是报的错误意义很宽泛,不容易找到,比如空指针.越界等. 这些问题有的是语句顺序问题,有的是语言版本问题,有的是缺少了一句看似无关紧要的初始化,最主要的是我对于语言了解的不透彻,对原理掌握的不够扎实,对细节把控不到位. 缺了一行代码需要用好几天的时间去寻找,这是件很日常的事:而且写的代码越多越长,错误的频率就会越多,品种…
1. a.This is the chart b. initial numPrimes = 4, t1 would over the loop. c. t = ( n = 1) d. node coverage: TR = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12} Test Paths :[1,2,3,4,5,6,3,7,8,9,2,10,11,10,12] edge coverage:TR = {(1,2),(2,10),(10,12),(10,11),(11,10),(2,3…
Problem 1 1. The fault is i > 0, it should be  i >= 0, because if the case is x = [0], y= 0, we expect = 1, but actually, we get -1; 2.  test: x = [], y = 1 does not execute the fault; 3.  test: x = [1,2,3], y = 3 executes the fault, but does not re…