源: 线性代数的本质 内容来自字幕. Let me quote without further comment from Dieudonné's "Foundations of Modern Analysis, Vol. 1" There is hardly any theory which is more elementary than linear algebra, in spite of the fact that generations of professors and te…
大家好,18:00左右开始,又拍云API出现故障,调用图片上传API时出现错误:“The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.”,造成图片无法上传. 由此给您带来麻烦了,请谅解! 我们已经联系又拍云客服,正在处理中. 这是我们自去年使用又拍云以来遇到的第2次故障,上次故障出现于11月26日. 更新:18:40左右恢复正常…