UVA - 387 A Puzzling Problem】的更多相关文章

 A Puzzling Problem  The goal of this problem is to write a program which will take from 1 to 5 puzzle pieces such as those shown below and arrange them, if possible, to form a square. An example set of pieces is shown here. The pieces cannot be rota…
题目链接: https://vjudge.net/problem/UVA-387 思路: 非常有意思的拼图,深搜+回溯, 输出硬伤:除了第一次之外,每次先输空格,再输出结果, 以及可能给的数据拼不成4*4表格的情况. 1 #include<iostream> 2 #include<cstdio> 3 #include<cstring> 4 using namespace std; 5 int vis[5][5]; 6 int g[10010][5][5]; 7 int…
UVa 101 The Blocks Problem 一道纯模拟题 The Problem The problem is to parse a series of commands that instruct a robot arm in how to manipulate blocks that lie on a flat table. Initially there are nblocks on the table (numbered from 0 to n-1) with block bi…
A Puzzling Problem The goal of this problem is to write a program which will take from 1 to 5 puzzle pieces such as those shown below and arrange them, if possible, to form a square. An example set of pieces is shown here. The pieces cannot be rotate…
 UVa 1380 A Scheduling Problem 题目: http://acm.hust.edu.cn/vjudge/problem/viewProblem.action?id=41557 思路:   给出一个任务调度树,单向边u->v表示u必须在v之前完成,双向边u-v表示无所谓方向. 题目给出定理,首先dfs求得忽略无向边后的最长链点数k,那么问题就是判断是否可以通过无向边定向从而使得最长链点数不超过k.用dp的判断. 设f[i]表示以i为根的子树中所有的边定向后最长链点数不超过…
UVA - 524 Prime Ring Problem Time Limit:3000MS     Memory Limit:0KB     64bit IO Format:%lld & %llu Description A ring is composed of n (even number) circles as shown in diagram. Put natural numbers  into each circle separately, and the sum of number…
题目链接:uva 10837 - A Research Problem 题目大意:给定一个phin.要求一个最小的n.欧拉函数n等于phin 解题思路:欧拉函数性质有,p为素数的话有phip=p−1;假设p和q互质的话有phip∗q=phip∗phiq 然后依据这种性质,n=pk11(p1−1)∗pk22(p2−1)∗⋯∗pkii(pi−1),将全部的pi处理出来.暴力搜索维护最小值,尽管看上去复杂度很高,可是由于对于垒乘来说,增长很快,所以搜索范围大大被缩小了. #include <cstdi…
UVA 810 - A Dicey Problem 题目链接 题意:一个骰子,给你顶面和前面.在一个起点,每次能移动到周围4格,为-1,或顶面和该位置数字一样,那么问题来了,骰子能不能走一圈回到原地,输出路径,要求最短,假设有多个最短,依照上下左右输出 思路:读懂题就是水题,就记忆化搜一下就可以,记录状态为位置和骰子顶面.正面(由于有两面就能确定骰子了) 代码: #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <vector>…
题意:鞋匠一口气接到了不少生意,但是做鞋需要时间,鞋匠只能一双一双地做,根据协议每笔生意如果拖延了要罚钱. 给出每笔生意需要的天数和每天的罚钱数,求出最小罚钱的排列顺序. 只要按罚款/天数去从大到小排序,如果比例一样就按序号排序(要求字典序). 解释我就不献丑了,附上Staginner大神的证明: 对于为什么贪心策略是这个样子的,我们不妨拿相邻的两个事件a.b来说明一下.由于a.b之后的事件是固定的,所以我们无论排成ab还是排成ba后面部分的损失都是固定的,那么损失的差别主要来源于究竟是排成ab…
/** 题目:UVA 1640 The Counting Problem UVA1640 链接:https://vjudge.net/problem/UVA-1640 题意:求[a,b]或者[b,a]区间内0~9在里面各个数的数位上出现的总次数. 思路:数位dp: dp[leadzero][i][j][k]表示前面是否选过非0数,即i长度之后可以第一个出现0,而不是前导0,长度为i,前面出现j,k次,j出现的次数. */ #include<iostream> #include<cstri…