通常这两个语法配合 PARAMETER, select-options中的参数 memory id来使用. 如,选择屏幕定义 PARAMETER p1 TYPE c LENGTH 10 MEMORY ID PID. 则可以再 AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT .事件块中定义: SET parameter id'PID' field 'AB1'. 那么在执行report的时后,P1的值将变为AB1, 而获取值得方式为 GET PARAMETER ID 'PID' FIELD…
Custom Parameter-id Creation By Abhijit Daptary, Capgemini India Step1: Creation of parameter ID. Parameter ID can be created in the table TPARA. Just enter the name of the parameter id in the table and that parameter ID will be created. Go to…
转自:https://blog.csdn.net/lyq123333321/article/details/52659114 (一) Difference Between SAP and ABAP Memory (1).读取和使用方法不同SAP内存使用SET/GET parameters方法: SET PARAMETER ID 'MAT' field p_matnr.GET PARAMETER ID 'MAT' field p_matnr. ABAP内存使用 EXPORT …
Unit1 SAP systems(SAP系统) 1.1 Explain the Key Capabilities of SAP NetWeaver(解释SAP NetWeaver的关键能力) Repository里显示的都是SAP系统里的东西 SAP Netweaver Capabilities User productivity(用户生产力) Business Intelligence Business Process Composition(即业务组合,用户使用composite appl…
1.MVC的定义: Models: Classes that represent the data of the application and that use validation logic to enforce business rules for that data. Views: Template files that your application uses to dynamically generate HTML responses. Controllers: Clas…