Memory Leak Detection in Embedded Systems】的更多相关文章

One of the problems with developing embedded systems is the detection of memory leaks; I've found three tools that are useful for this. These tools are used to detect application program errors, not kernel memory leaks. Two of these tools (mtrace and…
原文链接:,0 An earlier article [“Memory Leak Detection in Embedded Systems”, LJ, September 2002, available] discussed the detection of memory leaks when using C as the pro…
目录 . 内存使用情况分析 . 内存泄漏(memory leak) . Valgrind使用 1. 内存使用情况分析 0x1: 系统总内存的分析 可以从proc目录下的meminfo文件了解到当前系统内存的使用情况汇总,其中可用的物理内存 = memfree + buffers + cached当memfree不够时,内核会通过回写机制(pdflush线程)把cached和buffered内存回写到后备存储器,从而释放相关内存供进程使用,或者通过手动方式显式释放cache内存:echo 3 >…
参考: Abstract : This paper presents fundamental information about NAND Flash memory used in Embedded Systems. It discusses various aspects of this storage media such as…
In computer science, a memory leak occurs when a computer program incorrectly manages memory allocations.[1] In object-oriented programming, a memory leak may happen when an object is stored in memory but cannot be accessed by the running code.[2] A…
Using an open debug interconnect model to simplify embedded systems design Tom Cunningham, Freescale Semiconductor AUGUST 29, 2007 Technology people are generally familiar with the Open Systems Interconnection model for computer networks and protocol……
A real time operating system (RTOS) for embedded controllers having limited memory includes a continuations library, a wide range of macros that hide continuation point management, nested blocking functions, and a communications stack. The RTOS execu…
转载博客: 1.Android 进程管理&内存 Android主要应用在嵌入式设备当中,而嵌入式设备由于一些众所周知的条件限制,通常都不会有很高的配置,特别是内存是比较有限的.如果我们编写的代 码当中有太多的对内存使用不当的地方,难免会使得我们的设备运行缓慢,甚至是死机.为了能够使得Android应用程序安全且快速的运行,Android 的每个应用程序都会使用一个专有的Dalvik虚拟机实例…
quartz集群报错but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak. 在一台配置1核2G内存的阿里云服务器上运行quartz:执行定时任务报如下异常,而在本地开发环境中则正常运行. 10-Sep-2016 11:43:50.415 WARNING [localhost-startStop-1] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.clearR…