git 提交代码是会遇到以下问题, git commit 代码时提示: Warning: Your console font probably doesn't support Unicode. If you experience trange characters in the output, consider switching to a TrueType font such as ucida Console! 这是代码中含有中文导致的,且把代码改为utf-8也是解决不了的,查询了很多资料,最…
系统版本: CentOS 7.3Apache 2.4 Django 1.11 问题描述 Django项目涉及上传操作,上传文件名称含有中文,若使用runserver启动服务,没有问题!若将Django项目部署到Apache服务器上,若上传含有中文的文件名则报错: ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 53-56: ordinal not in range(128) 解决方法: vi /etc/sysconfig/httpd #LANG=…