在Salesforce中也存在着Job的概念,当然了我们可以创建Schedule的Job去定时触发对应的Class,来完成我们所需要定时处理的功能,比如:定时同步数据. 具体处理步骤如下所示: 1):创建的Class需要继承Schedulable接口,并且实现对应的execute方法,在execute的方法中可以完成我们自己的代码逻辑 global class SyncStoreController implements Schedulable { //call the web service…
一.AD Setting 1.Calibration (ADCAL) 2.设定ADC Chennel与SCANDIR等,在低功耗应用方案,选择PCLK/4,并设置SMP(tCONV = Sampling time + 12.5 x ADC clock cycles) 3.AD设置为Single conversion mode (CONT=0) In Single conversion mode, the ADC performs a single sequence of conversions,…
GUI内终端执行如下指令,或者加入开机启动脚本内 gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power button-power shutdown will change your the behaviour of the power button of your system from interactive (default) to immediate normal shutdown. The command is gsettings s…