Sound card based RFID sniffer/emulator (Too tired after to do draw the schematics better than that :) Stay tuned for the next version including Tag emulation.) baudline FFT signal analyzer for sniffing LF RFID tags using our sound card based…
function & procedure packages function --> arguments or parameters with arguments, IN, read only pass values inside the function eg : select * from emp where empno = IN OUT : write only, get value from inside the function eg : select ename into OUT…
commands : show sys connect sys as sysdba or connect system as sysdba logout or disc clear screen or cle screen (utlsample.sql —> unlock scott tables.sql —> all tables data.sql —> add data into tables) connect scott/tiger start C:\utlsample.sq…
homepage faq contribute bugs questions Git for Windows v2.11.0 Release Notes Latest update: December 1st 2016 Introduction These release notes describe issues specific to the Git for Windows release. The release notes covering the history of the core…
By brant-ruan Yeah, I feel very happy When you want to give up, think why you have held on so long. Just fight. Somebody may ask you: Why would you want to do that? Yeah, because I want to know how it works. Assembly language programming is about mem…
Go 1.10 Release Notes Introduction to Go 1.10 Changes to the language Ports Tools Default GOROOT & GOTMPDIR Build & Install Test Cgo Doc Fix Get Pprof Vet Diagnostics Gofmt Compiler Toolchain Assembler Gccgo Runtime Performance Garbage Collector C…
Go 1.9 Release Notes Introduction to Go 1.9 Changes to the language Ports ppc64x requires POWER8 FreeBSD OpenBSD 6.0 Known Issues Tools Parallel Compilation Vendor matching with ./... Moved GOROOT Compiler Toolchain Assembler Doc Env Test Pprof Vet G…
Go 1.2 Release Notes Introduction to Go 1.2 Changes to the language Use of nil Three-index slices Changes to the implementations and tools Pre-emption in the scheduler Limit on the number of threads Stack size Cgo and C++ Godoc and vet moved to the g…