
rails文档中描述了一个知识,link_to方法用于产生链接,但链接是根据routes.rb中的路由规则来产生的.这又分为面向资源和非面向资源两种产生链接的方法.比如 routes.rb文件中有两条规则resources :usersget 'cont/act/:name',:to => 'controller#action' 相对应如果两个link_to如下: <%= link_to "测试resource路由",:controller=>:users,:acti…
# !/usr/bin/python 2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __author__ = "Evilxr" import requests ips = open('ip_file','r') url2 = '' headers ={ 'Cookie': 'SLnewses=1; WPTLNG=1; PHPSESSID=4276cbd513477ddee8b290af31bfb…
理解路由的目的 看懂routes.rb文件中的代码 使用经典的hash风格或者现在比较流行的Restful风格构造你自己的路径 断定一个路径会映射到哪一个controller和action 路由的双重作用 Rails的路由是一个双重的机制 - 你既能把树木变成纸张,也能把纸张变成树木.更准确的说,它既能将进入服务器的HTTP请求连接到你的controller,也能帮助你(在View内)生成URL而不需要使用硬编码的字符串. 从URL到代码 当你的Rails应用接收到HTTP请求后,比如: GET…
本文转自: 1. 映射路由 大型MVC项目为了扩展性,可维护性不能像一般项目在Global中RegisterRoutes的方法里面映射路由. 这里学习一下Nop是如何做的. Global.cs  . 通过IOC容器取得IRoutePublisher实例 public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) { rout…
HTTP路由 HTTP路由(译者注:Play的路径映射机制)组件负责将HTTP请求交给对应的action(一个控制器Controller的公共静态方法)处理. 对于MVC框架来说,一个HTTP请求可以看成一个事件.这个事件包含2方面的信息: 请求的路径(例如 /clients/1542, /photos/list),包括查询字符串(Query String). HTTP的请求方法 (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) 关于REST Representational state tra…
1008. Airline Routes (35) 时间限制 400 ms 内存限制 65536 kB 代码长度限制 8000 B 判题程序 Standard 作者 CHEN, Yue Given a map of airline routes, you are supposed to check if a round trip can be planned between any pair of cities. Input Specification: Each input file cont…
The normal spring bean definition configuration file, the xsi:schemaLocation only has two: beans and spring-beans.xsd. To define camelContext in spring config file, another two should be added: spring and camel-spring-correlate.xsd. And in <camelCont…
Static routing is the term used to refer to the manual method used to set up routing. An administrator enters routes into the router using configuration commands. This method has the advantage of being predictable, and simple to set up. It is easy to…
1137. Bus Routes Time limit: 1.0 secondMemory limit: 64 MB Several bus routes were in the city of Fishburg. None of the routes shared the same section of road, though common stops and intersections were possible. Fishburg old residents stated that it…
抄自 In essence, routing resources is when resources gives action abilities to a controller.…