Localizing WPF with .resx files】的更多相关文章

WPF用Resource.resX中的字符串进行国际化 增加命名空间 xmlns:prop="clr-namespace:XXAppName.Properties" 引用的地方的格式如下: <Button x:Uid="testButtonId" Content="{x:Static prop:Resources.Please}" /> 在ResX文件中有一个词条叫Please, 在设计器中可以看到,按钮的文字已经变成对应的词条了,但…
本文将讨论一种较为方便的本地化方法. 由于在项目中要实现本地化,所以在网上查找相关的解决方案.通过一系列调研,发现实现本地化的方法主要有以下三种: 通过编译项目以设置 x:Uid 并使用 LocBaml 工具实现: 通过 DynamicResource 实现: 通过 Resx 文件实现 其中第一种是官方介绍的方法,考虑到实现步骤略为复杂,所以直接忽略: 第二种方式的实现,主要是在程序中添加 Resource Dictionary 类型的文件,并在其中放入本地化资源字符串:在 XAML 代码中,直…
WPF Localization Using RESX Files Once you have downloaded the source code and built it, add a reference to the compiled assembly (Infralution.Localization.Wpf) to your project.…
前言 缓动在动画效果中应用非常广泛,在合适的时候使用一些缓动效果会使得效果更加符合人的直观感受,简单来说,会显得更加自然. WPF提供了11种缓动效果,涵盖了大部分的使用场景.不过如果需要在非WPF下使用这些缓动效果,就需要知道对应的曲线公式了.因为公式是通用的,所以可以很轻松的使用其他语言实现. 由于本人数学水平有限,所以本文注重的应用而不是原理.在本文中,将会使用C#去实现,并附上与WPF原版的对比效果. 本文参考: 1,https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/do…
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Question 144You are developing a Feature that will be used in multiple languages.You need to ensure that users view the Feature's title and description in the display language of their choice.What should you create?A. a Feature event receiverB. a sit…
stdafx.h: // stdafx.h : include file for standard system include files, // or project specific include files that are used frequently, but // are changed infrequently #pragma once #using <mscorlib.dll> #using <System.dll> #using <System.Dat…
Question 56You work for a manufacturer who needs to advertise its catalog of products online using a SharePoint 2010 publishing site. A page author will create a Web page for every type of product the manufacturer makes. Each Web page will display th…
Ref: MSDN (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/visualstudio/visual-studio-2010/0c6xyb66(v=vs.100) ) Difference between Build action content and 'Copy to output directory' in Visual Studio Question: In my project in Visual Studio, I hav…
With Xamarin, you can extend your cross-platform apps with support for native speakers, reaching markets that might otherwise be overlooked. However, managing multiple languages and keeping everything current can be challenging, especially if you’re…