在服务器A(windows server 2008 r2)执行如下命令访问远端服务器B(windows server 2003)的服务运行状况: sc \\servername query "servicename" 返回结果如下: [SC] OpenSCManager FAILED 1722: The RPC server is unavailable. 解决办法:重启服务器A就OK了.因为实在不知道是什么原因引起的,在我本机运行命令是OK的,而我本机的操作系统跟服务器A是一模一…
Credential Dumping(凭证窃取) Dump credentials from LSASS(从LSASS中窃取凭证) 实现原理: This technique injects into the LSASS.exe process and scrapes its memory for plaintext passwords of logged on users. You must do this from a high integrity process. 注入lsass .exe进…