Problem: There are three poles and N disks where each disk is heaver than the next disk. In the initial conguration, the discs are stacked upon another on the first pole where the lighter discs are above the heavier discs. We want to move all the dis…
目录 1 问题描述 2 解决方案 2.1 递归法 2.2 非递归法 1 问题描述 Simulate the movement of the Towers of Hanoi Puzzle; Bonus is possible for using animation. e.g. if n = 2 ; A→B ; A→C ; B→C; if n = 3; A→C ; A→B ; C→B ; A→C ; B→A ; B→C ; A→C; 翻译:模拟汉诺塔问题的移动规则:获得奖励的移动方法还是有可能的.…