Codeforces 939.E Maximize!】的更多相关文章

E. Maximize! time limit per test 3 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output You are given a multiset S consisting of positive integers (initially empty). There are two kind of queries: Add a positive int…
Maximize 题意:整个程序有2种操作,操作1将一个元素放入集合S中,且保证最新插入的元素不小于上一次的元素, 操作2 找到集合S中的某个子集合, 使得 集合中最大的元素减去平均数的值最大. 题解:找子集合的时候将整个几个分成2边, 左边为前i个数, 右边为最新插入的数. 那么我们就可以想到, 每次插入新的元素时, 对应最新这个元素的 ans值 的左边部分的个数不会少于前面那个i, 然后我们继续往右边走找到临界的位置就好了, 每次如果左边的值小于现在的平均值就能放入集合中. 代码 #incl…
Love Rescue 题意:Valya 和 Tolya 是一对情侣, 他们的T恤和头巾上都有小写字母,但是女朋友嫌弃男朋友上T恤上的字不和她的头巾上的字一样,就很生气, 然后来了一个魔法师, 它可以购买符文, 每个符文可以让一个字母变成另外一个字母,魔法师想购买足够的符文使得他们的字母串相同, 因为买符文要钱, 现在需要求最小的购买符文数目,和符文形式, 多种答案可以输出任意一种. 题解:用并查集将有联系的字母分到一组, 然后将一组内的符文进行串联,这样每一组内的任意2个符文, 都可以由上面的…
A #include <bits/stdc++.h> #define PI acos(-1.0) #define mem(a,b) memset((a),b,sizeof(a)) #define TS printf("!!!\n") #define pb push_back #define inf 1e9 //std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false); using namespace std; //priority_queue<int,vect…
题目链接: E. Maximize! time limit per test3 seconds memory limit per test256 megabytes Problem Description You are given a multiset S consisting of positive integers (initially empty). There are two kind of quer…
题目链接: 题意: 开始有$n$个同学和$m$,每个同学有一个天赋$p_{i}$和一个俱乐部$c_{i}$,然后在$d$天里,每天早上去除一名同学$k_{i}$,每天中午在每个俱乐部选一个人组成战队.战队的战斗力是最小的不存在的天赋,例如{1,2,3,0}战斗力是4,问每天战队的战斗力最大为多少. 数据范围: $1 \leq m \leq n \leq 5000$ $0 \leq p_i < 5000$ $…
Maximize Mex 离线之后把删数变成加数, 然后一边跑匈牙利一遍算答案. #include<bits/stdc++.h> #define LL long long #define fi first #define se second #define mk make_pair #define PLL pair<LL, LL> #define PLI pair<LL, int> #define PII pair<int, int> #define SZ(…
939E - Maximize! 思路: 贪心:最后的集合是最大值+前k小个 因为平均值时关于k的凹形函数,所以可以用三分求最小值 又因为后面的k肯定比前面的k大,所以又可以双指针 三分: #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define ll long long #define pb push_back #define mp make_pair #define pli pair<ll,int> #define mem(a,b…
E. Maximize! time limit per test 3 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output You are given a multiset S consisting of positive integers (initially empty). There are two kind of queries: Add a positive int…
<题目链接> 题目大意:给定一段序列,每次进行两次操作,输入1 x代表插入x元素(x元素一定大于等于之前的所有元素),或者输入2,表示输出这个序列的任意子集$s$,使得$max(s)-mean(s)$表示这个集合的最大值与平均值的最大差值. 解题分析:首先,因为输入的$x$是非递减的,所以要使$max(s)-mean(s)$最大,肯定$max(s)$就是最后一个输入元素的大小.$x$已经确定了,现在就是尽可能的使$mean(s)$尽可能的小.如何使得平均值最小呢?肯定是从最前面的最小的元素开始…
传送门 二分答案好题. 题意简述:要求支持动态在一个数列队尾加入一个新的数(保证数列单增),查询所有子数列的 最大值减平均值 的最大值. 然而网上一堆高人是用三分做的. 我们先考虑当前的答案有可能由什么构成. 加入最后一个数之前的最大值. 加入最后一个数之后,以最后一个数为最大值的值. 于是问题变成了去求min{(∑j=1iai)+ani+1}min\{\frac{(\sum_{j=1}^ia_i)+a_n}{i+1}\}min{i+1(∑j=1i​ai​)+an​​} 然后令bi=(∑j=1i…
题意 : 给出两个操作,① 往一个序列集合(初始为空)里面不降序地添加数字.② 找出当前序列集合的一个子集使得 (子集的最大元素) - (子集的平均数) 最大并且输出这个最大差值 分析 :  首先关注到 ① 操作是有序地添加数 然后为了回答 ② 的问询,来分析一波 直觉告诉我们,要最大化差值,选取的子集最大元素应当越大越好 这一点是对的,具体的证明可以看 CF 的官方题解 那么也就是说选出的子集里面必定有当前序列集合的最大值元素 然后为了使(子集的平均数)越小,直觉又告诉我们 需要贪心地选择小的…
A. Nicholas and Permutation 题目链接: Nicholas has an array a that contains n distinct integers from 1 to n. In other words, Nicholas has a permutation of size n. Nicholas want the minimum element (integer 1) an…
B. Dinner with Emma 题目连接: Description Jack decides to invite Emma out for a dinner. Jack is a modest student, he doesn't want to go to an expensive restaurant. Emma is a girl with high taste, she prefer…
B. Pasha and Tea Time Limit: 20 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 Description Pasha decided to invite his friends to a tea party. For that occasion, he has a large teapot with the capacity of w milliliters and…
B. Ohana Cleans Up Time Limit: 20 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 Description Ohana Matsumae is trying to clean a room, which is divided up into an n by n grid of squares. Each square is initially either clea…
题目链接: Description The computer network of “Plunder & Flee Inc.” consists of n servers and m two-way communication links. Two servers can communicate either through a direct link, or through a chain of links, by relayi…
D. Data Center Time Limit: 20 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 Description The startup "Booble" has shown explosive growth and now it needs a new data center with the capacity of m petabytes. Booble can b…
J. Computer Network Time Limit: 1 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 Description The computer network of “Plunder & Flee Inc.” consists of n servers and m two-way communication links. Two servers can communicate either thr…
C. Developing Skills Time Limit: 1 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 Description Petya loves computer games. Finally a game that he's been waiting for so long came out! The main character of this game has n dif… E. Watching Fireworks is Fun time limit per test 4 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output A festival will be held in a town's main street. There are n sectio…
  CodeForces 554B Time Limit:2000MS     Memory Limit:262144KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u   Description Ohana Matsumae is trying to clean a room, which is divided up into an n by n grid of squares. Each square is initially either clean or dirty…
A. Ilya and Bank Account time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Ilya is a very clever lion, he lives in an unusual city ZooVille. In this city all the animals have their rights an…
codeforces 670A. Holidays 题目链接: 题意: A. Holidays On the planet Mars a year lasts exactly n days (there are no leap years on Mars). But Martians have the same weeks as earthlings — 5 work days and then 2 days…
// Codeforces #180 div2 C Parity Game // // 这个问题的意思被摄物体没有解释 // // 这个主题是如此的狠一点(对我来说,),不多说了这 // // 解决问题的思路: // // 第一个假设a字符串和b字符串相等,说直接YES // 假设b串全是0,直接YES // 注意到a串有一个性质,1的个数不会超过本身的加1. // a有个1的上限设为x,b有个1的个数设为y,则假设x < y // 那么直接NO. // // 如今普通情况下.就是模拟啦,找到a…
D. The Bakery time limit per test:2.5 seconds memory limit per test:256 megabytes input:standard input output:standard output Some time ago Slastyona the Sweetmaid decided to open her own bakery! She bought required ingredients and a wonder-oven whic…
A. Vicious Keyboard time limit per test:2 seconds memory limit per test:256 megabytes input:standard input output:standard output Tonio has a keyboard with only two letters, "V" and "K". One day, he has typed out a string s with only t…
A. Combination Lock time limit per test:2 seconds memory limit per test:256 megabytes input:standard input output:standard output Scrooge McDuck keeps his most treasured savings in a home safe with a combination lock. Each time he wants to put there…
A. Straight «A» time limit per test:1 second memory limit per test:256 megabytes input:standard input output:standard output Noora is a student of one famous high school. It's her final year in school — she is going to study in university next year.…
Description Polycarp is in really serious trouble — his house is on fire! It's time to save the most valuable items. Polycarp estimated that it would take tiseconds to save i-th item. In addition, for each item, he estimated the value of di — the mom…