Requires Unity 2018.2.6 or higher.The first battle royale game starter kit on Asset Store, all system are based on UnitZ UNET but has been modified with many additional features and improvement in purpose of making last man standing game with explora…
原文:[Xamarin挖墙脚系列:Xamarin.IOS机制原理剖析] [注意:]团队里总是有人反映卸载Xamarin,清理不完全.之前写过如何完全卸载清理剩余的文件.今天写了Windows下的批命令,MAC下的Shell脚本. Windows 批: echo 'please run it as windows Administartor...' rd /s/q "C:\ProgramData\Mono for Android" rd /s/q "C:\ProgramData…