The new hardware tessellation feature available on Direct3D 11 video cards has great potential, but using it effectively currently requires understanding higher-order surfaces as well as a myriad of performance implications. In addition to the Window…
Welcome back! This time, we’ll look into what is perhaps the “poster boy” feature introduced with the D3D11 / Shader 5.x hardware generation: Tessellation. This one is interesting both because it’s a fun topic, and because it marks the first time in…
Mac OS X 10.8 (OpenGL 3.2), MacOSX 10.9 (OpenGL 3.2 to 4.1) Windows with NVIDIA since 2006 (GeForce 8), AMD since 2006 (Radeon HD 2000), Intel since 2012 (HD 4000 / IvyBridge) (OpenGL 3.2 to OpenGL 4.5) Linux (OpenGL 3.2 to OpenGL 4.5) OpenGL3.2的手机 h… Patch is just an ordered list of vertices (在tessellation shader里面比较重要的概念就是这个patch,patch是一系列的顶点,OpenGL规定patch的vertex数量必须至少大于等于3) The tessellation process doesn’t operate on OpenGL’s classic geometri…
原文:Directx11教程(64) tessellation学习(6)-PN Triangles 前面我们用tessellation细分三角形或者四边形,产生的细分点都是在三角形或四边形平面内.本教程我们学习一下PN triangles(point normal triangles)的方法,把一个三角形细分为一个曲面.PN triangles的详细介绍请参考:2001 paper by Vlachos et al ,下面我们简单介绍一下PN triangles: 大家都知…