SQL有定时执行的语句 WaitFor,可以写到一个存储过程中再执行一次 语法:WaitFor{Delay 'time'|Time 'time} Delay后面的时间为延迟多少时间执行 Time后面的时间为指定何时执行,格式为"HH:MM:SS",不支持日期 例: --指定10:00执行 Begin waitfor time '10:00' select * from tablename end -–指定等待1小时后执行 begin waitfor delay '1:00' selec…
定义 void *memset(void *s, int c, unsigned long n); 描述 将指针变量 s 所指向的前 n 字节的内存单元用一个“整数” c 替换,注意 c 是 int 型.s 是 void* 型的指针变量,所以它可以为任何类型的数据进行初始化. 例子 # include <stdio.h> # include <string.h> int main(void) { int i; //循环变量 ]; char *p = str; memset(str,…
go defer (go延迟函数) Go语言的defer算是一个语言的新特性,至少对比当今主流编程语言如此.根据GO LANGUAGE SPEC的说法: A "defer" statement invokes a function whose execution is deferred to the moment the surrounding function returns, either because the surrounding function executed a re…
温故知新不忘延迟基础 A "defer" statement invokes a function whose execution is deferred to the moment the surrounding function returns, either because the surrounding function executed a return statement, reached the end of its function body, or because t…