C Golden gun的巧克力】的更多相关文章

17972 Golden gun的巧克力 时间限制:1000MS  内存限制:65535K提交次数:93 通过次数:13 收入:124 题型: 编程题   语言: G++;GCC;JAVA Description 众所周知,13级有尊大神Golden gun,人称根叔,简称金枪!众立志进校队的师弟如果不认识这个成功人士,我只能说太失败了! 他出手阔绰,首战夺金!由于工作关系,Golden gun坐享艺术学院所有资源,他可以自豪地说:“我要让全世界都知道!华农的艺术学 院的MM市场都让我承包了!”…
Time Limit:1000MS  Memory Limit:65535K 题型: 编程题   语言: 无限制 描述 众所周知,13级有尊大神Golden gun,人称根叔,简称金枪!众立志进校队的师弟如果不认识这个成功人士,我只能说太失败了! 他出手阔绰,首战夺金!由于工作关系,Golden gun坐享艺术学院所有资源,他可以自豪地说:“我要让全世界都知道!华农的艺术学 院的MM市场都让我承包了!”,据某可靠消息来源称,Golden gun的短号非常抢手,在艺术学院可谓是无人不晓.经常会有艺…
Series的简单运算 import numpy as np import pandas as pd s1=pd.Series([1,2,3],index=['A','B','C']) print(s1) 结果: A 1 B 2 C 3 dtype: int64 s2=pd.Series([4,5,6,7],index=['B','C','D','E']) print(s2) 结果: B 4 C 5 D 6 E 7 dtype: int64 print(s1+s2)#对应的index相加,NaN…
/***获取汉字的拼音*/function pinyin($s, $isfirst = false) { static $pinyins; $s = trim($s); $len = strlen($s); if($len < 3) return $s; if(!isset($pinyins)) { $data = '一:yi|丁:ding|丂:kao|七:qi|丄:shang|丅:xia|丆:mu|万:wan|丈:zhang|三:san|上:shang|下:xia|丌:ji|不:bu|与:yu…
Time Limit: 60 Sec  Memory Limit: 512 MBSubmit: 505  Solved: 204 Description 巧克力王国里的巧克力都是由牛奶和可可做成的.但是并不是每一块巧克力都受王国人民的欢迎,因为大家都不喜 欢过于甜的巧克力.对于每一块巧克力,我们设x和y为其牛奶和可可的含量.由于每个人对于甜的程度都有自己的 评判标准,所以每个人都有两个参数a和b,分别为他自己为牛奶和可可定义的权重,因此牛奶和可可含量分别为x 和y的巧克力对于他的甜味程度即为ax…
Why The Golden Age Of Machine Learning is Just Beginning Even though the buzz around neural networks, artificial intelligence, and machine learning has been relatively recent, as many know, there is nothing new about any of these methods. If so many…
The benefits of risk management in projects are huge. You can gain a lot of money if you deal with uncertain project events in a proactive manner. The result will be that you minimise the impact of project threats and seize the opportunities that occ…
http://www.chinaz.com/design/2015/1109/467968_2.shtml The golden ratio: 1.618 a/b=b/(a+b) The Fibonacci series: The perfect arc: The round circles…
/*====================================================================== 儿童节快到了,班长想要给班上的每个同学给一个巧克力, 巧克力的形状是一个宽为2,长为n的长方形,由于巧克力太贵, 班长就想把这个大块的巧克力分成许多 1*2(宽*长)的小块巧克力, 这样每个人都能得到一份1*2的巧克力,现在给定巧克力的长为 正整数n(1<=n<=91),请你判断对于这 个2*n的巧克力有多少种不同的分法? 分析:这个其实就是考查费波…
题目连接 http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=5281 Senior's Gun Description Xuejiejie is a beautiful and charming sharpshooter. She often carries $n$ guns, and every gun has an attack power $a[i]$. One day, Xuejiejie goes outside and comes across $m…