[游戏模版8] Win32 透明贴图】的更多相关文章

>_<:just add previous two ways to achieve this new result // stdafx.h : include file for standard system include files, // or project specific include files that are used frequently, but // are changed infrequently // #if !defined(AFX_STDAFX_H__A9DB…
>_<:The same with previous introduction. In the InitInstance fanction make a little change: >_<:Yes just add another picture "dra.bmp" and give the handle to dra.And then call function MyPaint(...) hdc=GetDC(hWnd); mdc=CreateCompatib…
>_<:picture resource >_<:If you master the ways of mapping picture,then this problem is not problem!Just using your head think some logical method. >_<:Here,I use a array save where and whith picture should show.For example:use array map…
>_<:this is the first using mapping. >_<:There will be introducing how to do: First load bitmap picture return handle give hbmp, as following: hbmp=(HBITMAP)LoadImage(NULL,"bg.bmp",IMAGE_BITMAP,600,450,LR_LOADFROMFILE); there "b…
>_<:Just the minimum Win32  frame don't have any other special function. //{{NO_DEPENDENCIES}} // Microsoft Visual C++ generated include file. // Used by FE.RC // #define IDR_MAINFRAME 128 #define IDD_FE_DIALOG 102 #define IDD_ABOUTBOX 103 #define I…
>_<:The last time,we learned how to use timer to make the picture run and change show,but sometimes the time may have a little change,for example when you move the window or do other things the frequency may be effected.And now we will talk about ho…
>_<:compared with the previous article,this one only adds key-message listener. >_<:up down left right control the roal movement. LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { int wmId, wmEvent; PAINTSTRUCT…
>_<:Only give you the code,try to understand it! >_<:picture resource #include <windows.h> // C 运行时头文件 #include <stdlib.h> #include <cstdio> #include <malloc.h> #include <memory.h> #include <tchar.h> #includ…
>_<:AI introduction. >_<:According the plane position (nowX,nowY) relative to birds' position (p[i].x,p[i].y)  automaticly change birds' position. //贴上小鸟 SelectObject(bufdc,bird); ;i<;i++){ !=){ ) p[i].y-=; else p[i].y+=; ) p[i].x-=; else p…
>_<:Here introduce a simple game: >_<:resource >_<:only can push a box and finally arrive the gate. #include <windows.h> // C 运行时头文件 #include <stdlib.h> #include <cstdio> #include <malloc.h> #include <memory.h&…
>_<:Learning its AI logic. >_<:resource >_<:code: #include <windows.h> // C 运行时头文件 #include <stdlib.h> #include <cstdio> #include <malloc.h> #include <memory.h> #include <tchar.h> #include <time.h&g…
>_<:Learning the physical engine >_<:resource >_<:code #include <windows.h> // C 运行时头文件 #include <stdlib.h> #include <cstdio> #include <malloc.h> #include <memory.h> #include <tchar.h> #include <tim…
>_<:Compared with previous talk,there will be taking about how to create an accelerated speed.Only a little change in the MyPaint(...) function. >_<:resource >_<:code #include <windows.h> // C 运行时头文件 #include <stdlib.h> #incl…
>_<:Only a little change in the function of MyPaint(...),besides the initial value have some changes. >_<:resource >_<:code:    #include <windows.h> // C 运行时头文件 #include <stdlib.h> #include <cstdio> #include <malloc.…
>_<:introduce the functions of define\create\use pen and brush to draw all kinds of line and some graphs. >_<!following 2 files are the same with the previous and file main.cpp has some changes. //{{NO_DEPENDENCIES}} // Microsoft Visual C++ ge…
>_<:use MOUSE_MOVE message refresh the position information. >_<:use LOWORD(lParam) get position x and use HIWORD(lParam) get position y //{{NO_DEPENDENCIES}} // Microsoft Visual C++ generated include file. // Used by FE.RC // #define IDR_MAIN…
>_<:first build some points put in poly1[],poly2[] and poly3[] in the function of InitInstance(...) >_<:then in the function MyDraw() use  PolylineTo(...)\Polyline(...)\Polygon(...) draw diferent line and use PolyBezierTo(...)\PolyBezier(...)…
>_<:there in the MyPaint(...) function respectively use Ellipse(...) draw ellipse, use RoundRect(...) draw rectangle whose angle is round, use Pie(...) draw sector also named fan shap, use Chord(...) draw  arch also named bow shaped. >_<:the s…
>_<:Previous part we talk about how to map a transparent picture, and this time we will solve the problem how to change a picture's transparency. >_<:Here my method is reading the picture's information and change its RGB or add another picture…
>_<:This time we will study a new way to operate your picture.That is running your picture by give it a timer-message. >_<:Firstly,you should use the function SetTimer(hWnd,1,50,NULL) to create and set a timer (here "1" means the tim…
第5章 透明贴图 像这样直接贴图会产生这种情况,所以我们需要透明贴图. 透明遮罩法:主要利用BitBlt函数中Raser(光栅)值的运算,需要准备素材图和遮罩图: 这个方法的原理解释见书131页. 示例程序: #include <windows.h> #define WINDOW_WIDTH 800 //为窗口宽度定义的宏,以方便在此处修改窗口宽度 #define WINDOW_HEIGHT 600 //为窗口高度定义的宏,以方便在此处修改窗口高度 #define WINDOW_TITLE L…
Windows程序一般都等待用户进行一些操作,然后响应并採取行动. 一般来说.对win32的程序的操作都会转换为系统事件队列中的消息,如按键消息WM_KEYDOWN,WM_MOUSECLICK等传递键盘以及鼠标的操作消息. 系统消息传递给程序的本地事件队列.然后在传递给WinProc()函数进行主窗体的消息处理,处理完消息后.程序转到WinMain()主函数中,而此时一般主函数依旧在进行消息循环,于是又等待新的消息并运行. win32的程序都是有winmain開始,最简单的一个win32程序.从…
作者:Senlern 转载请注明,原文链接:http://blog.csdn.net/zhang429350061/article/details/37958275 非常久没有写教程了.如今认为还是要继续坚持下去.把自己之前的一些积累写出来,和大家交流一下我也是个菜鸟,不对的地方还希望大家多多指正.共同学习. ------------------------------------------首先我们来看一下环境要求----------------------------------------…
本系列文章由jadeshu编写,转载请注明出处.http://blog.csdn.net/jadeshu/article/details/22449085 作者:jadeshu   邮箱: jadeshu@qq.com    欢迎邮件交流 一开始我们得大致了解一个程序的运行过程,运行时得先启动一个程序,如下启动过程 1.WIN32程序启动过程就是进程的创建过程,系统调用CreateProcess函数创建新的进程(当一个线程调用CreateProcess函数时,系统会创建一个进程内核对象,其使用计…
           好久没更新博客了,今天来谈谈android小游戏---重力感应,一般在游戏里运用的比較多,比方这类游戏有:神庙逃亡.极品飞车,平衡球.三围重力迷宫,重力赛车等. 首先什么是重力感应.重力感应是指如今手机中经常使用的一个器件,及加速度传感器. 当手机精巧时.加速度就是重力.所以一般也叫做重力传感器.这个硬件能够感应加速度的变化,转化为数据提供给系统.另一种传感器是陀螺仪,检測环绕某轴的旋转动作,是利用有质量的刚体的在做旋转或震动时,假设发生垂直于旋转或震动轴的旋转,由于惯性会…
前言 本文是接续系列教程的extra1,主要是介绍颜色系统在canvas中的应用. 本来是与extra1一起成文的,因为segmentfault莫名其妙的字数限制bug只能分割放送了. canvas操纵像素 你如果认为canvas只是画图工具,那接下来的操作会颠覆你的认知.canvas提供api可以获取画布上任何一个像素,并可以自由的操作他们. 获取像素 直接访问像素的功能由canvas上下文中的ImageData对象提供,它提供了以下一组方法,都会返回ImageData对象. getImage…
>_<:Here are the template of mini-MFC include: CPen,CBrush,Front,Paint Line and some other graph. OnPaint message,OnLeftButtonDown message,you can through it know more Hello.h #include<afxwin.h> class CMyApp:public CWinApp { public: virtual BO…
>_<:bmp格式的简单处理:          >_<:变暗RGB同时除以某一值 >_<:出现轮廓的是通道相减 >_<:最后一个是颜色提取 >_<:头文件参见:http://www.cnblogs.com/zjutlitao/p/3733164.html #include "stdafx.h" #include "resourse.h" #define MAX_LOADSTRING 100 // Glob…
Requires Unity 2018.2.6 or higher.The first battle royale game starter kit on Asset Store, all system are based on UnitZ UNET but has been modified with many additional features and improvement in purpose of making last man standing game with explora…
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