AX7 VM can not starting】的更多相关文章

这个问题跟很多人遇到的一样,VM下载,一开始使用正常,特然某个时候,就挂了,直接引用老外的描述吧 When trying to access the Ax I get the following error: There is a problem with the server Sorry, the server has encountered an error. It is either…
原文地址:Django Development With Docker Compose and Machine 以下为译文 Docker 是一个开源的应用容器引擎,让开发者可以打包他们的应用以及依赖包到一个可移植的容器中,然后发布到任何流行的 Linux 机器上,也可以实现虚拟化.自2013年发布以来,无论是从 Github 上的代码活跃度,还是 Redhat 在 RHEL6.5 中集成对 Docker 的支持, 就连 Google 的 Compute Engine 也支持 Docker 在其之…
Hbase深入学习(二) 安装hbase This guidedescribes setup of a standalone hbase instance that uses the local filesystem. Itleads you through creating a table, inserting rows via the hbase shell, andthen cleaning up and shutting down your standalone hbase instan…
摘录自: 1.Flash Read Cache This completely new feature in vSphere 5.5 provides a mechanism for utilizing fast SSD as a Linux host swap cache or to provi…
Hadoop的安装和配置可以参考我之前的文章:在Win7虚拟机下搭建Hadoop2.6.0伪分布式环境. 本篇介绍如何在Hadoop2.6.0基础上搭建spark1.4.0单机环境. 1. 软件准备 scala-2.11.7.tgz spark-1.4.0-bin-hadoop2.6.tgz 都可以从官网下载. 2. scala安装和配置 scala-2.11.7.tgz解压缩即可.我解压缩到目录/home/vm/tools/scala,之后配置~/.bash_profile环境变量. #sca…
Downward API 我们已经了解到,使用ConfigMap和Secret向应用传递配置数据,这对于运行前预设的数据是可行的.但是对于那些不能预先知道的,就需要使用Downward API. Downward API允许我们通过环境变量或者卷的方式向应用传递元数据.可传递的数据包括:Pod的IP.名称.标签.注解.所在命令空间.运行的节点名称.运行所属的ServiceAccountName,每个容器请求的CPU和内存使用量以及限制. 通过环境变量暴露元数据 env.valueFrom下引用P…
StatefulSet如何提供稳定的网络标识和状态 ReplicaSet中的Pod都是无状态,可随意替代的.又因为ReplicaSet中的Pod是根据模板生成的多副本,无法对每个副本都指定单独的PVC. 来看一下StatefulSet如何解决的. 提供稳定的网络标识 StatefulSet创建Pod都有一个从零开始的顺序索引,这会体现在Pod的名称和主机名上,同样也会体现在Pod对应的固定存储上.所以这些名字是可预先知道的,不同于ReplicaSet的随机生成名字. 因为他们的名字都是固定的,而…
This blog will show how you can start making a customization in AX 7 by showing you the steps needed to make a simple script Before starting customizing AX it is recommended to create your own Model The first step is to log into Visual Studio as an A…
Since I need to deploy, start, stop and remove many virtual machines created from a common image I created (you know, Tabular is not part of the standard images provided by Microsoft-), I wanted to minimize the time required to execute every operatio… Velocity是什么? Velocity是一个基于java的模板引擎(template engine).它允许任何人仅仅简单的使用模板语言(template language)来引用由java代码定义的对象. 当Velocity应用于web开发时,界面设计人员可以和java程序开发人员同步开发一个遵循MVC架构的web站点,也就是说,页面设计人 员可以只关注页面的显…
第5章 Available GC The Java HotSpot VM includes three different types of collectors, each with different performance characteristics. Java虚拟机有三种不同类型的gc,他们有不同的特性. 顺序gc The serial collector uses a single thread to perform all garbage collection work, whi…
第七章 并发gc Java 8提供两种并发gc,CMS和G1 Concurrent Mark Sweep (CMS) Collector This collector is for applications that prefer shorter garbage collection pauses and can afford to share processor resources with the garbage collection. CMS GC适用于偏好尽可能短的gc时间(因为gc会造…
第九章 G1 GC The Garbage-First (G1) garbage collector is a server-style garbage collector, targeted for multiprocessor machines with large memories. It attempts to meet garbage collection (GC) pause time goals with high probability while achieving high…
VM的Linux CentOS系统的VMTools的手动安装 一是没时间安装,另外是一直用的是VM的绿色版,里面没有Linux.iso 文件 今天晚上安装上了 linux 的vmtools ,再也不用按 Ctrl+Alt 了 也不用看800 X 600的桌面了! 在vmware安装vmware tools,如果直接安装VMTools工具不成功,那么就需要手工安装. 1. 以ROOT身份进入LINUX 2. 退出到windows,点击 SETTING菜单下的ENABLE VMWARE TOOLS子…
一.简介 LVS是Linux Virtual Server的简写,意即Linux虚拟服务器,是一个虚拟的服务器集群系统.本项目在1998年5月由章文嵩博士成立,是中国国内最早出现的自由软件项目之一. 目前有三种IP负载均衡技术(VS/NAT.VS/TUN和VS/DR):十种调度算法(rr|wrr|lc|wlc|lblc|lblcr|dh|sh|sed|nq). Keepalived在这里主要用作RealServer的健康状态检查以及LoadBalance主机和BackUP主机之间failover…
Configuring VM Acceleration on Linux Linux-based systems support virtual machine acceleration through the KVM software package. Follow instructions for installing KVM on your Linux system, and verify that KVM is enabled. In addition to following the…
在VM里给Red Hat 9.0安装VMTools后重启,在系统启动过程中出现三处提示,分别为:第一处:Mounting local filesystem: Error: Cannot mount filesystem: Protocol error      [FAILED] 第二处:Starting vmware-tools: Starting VMware Tools services in the virtual machine:                      Switchi…
Suppose you want to create and run virtual machines (VMs) on VirtualBox. However, a host machine does not support X11 environment, or you only have access to a terminal on a remote host machine. Then how can you create and run VMs on such a host mach…
windows(win10)批处理脚本 打开vm虚拟机的服务,并且开启无界面虚拟机 @echo off net start "vds" net start "VMAuthdService" net start "VMnetDHCP" net start "VMware NAT Service" net start "VMUSBArbService" net start "VMwareHostd&q…
To enable C development in a Windows 10 development environment VM, follow these steps: Start VS in the Windows 10 development environment VM. Choose "File" -> "New" -> "Project", choose "Open Visual Studio Install…
If you wanted to start a VirtualBox VM headless (no UI) in the past, you needed additional tools.  I always found this to be a bit of a pain that VirtualBox didn't support this 'out of the box'.  Thankfully Version 5.0 has been recently released and…
单表插入项目,插入前正常,插入后运行webapplication报错: run: debug: 于webapplication报错: Injection of autowired dependencies failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not resolve placeholder 'crm.watcher.get.db.slave.status.url' in value "${crm…
发贴人 Sergio-Oracle 于2018-4-18 23:10:15在Oracle Linux Introduction How Does This Work? Requirements Before You Get Started Steps Clone the vagrant-boxes repository from GitHub Download Oracle Database Installation Files Place the downloaded Database ins…
原创作品,允许转载,转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章 原始出处 .作者信息和本声明.否则将追究法律责任. [root@openfire-x86v-app01 ~]# tsung  -f jabber_register.xml startStarting Tsung"Log directory is: /root/.tsung/log/20141122-0639""Maximum number…
原文地址:Error starting Sun's native2ascii:作者:大一吧浪 Error starting Sun's native2ascii: at ava:67) 找不到这个类 网上查到的解决方法: 复制JDK目录下的lib文件夹的to…
First, Clean VM all snapshot, and poweroff your VM. vmdk: vmware-vdiskmanager -x 16GB myDisk.vmdk vdi: VBoxManage modifyhd <absolute path to file> --resize <size in MB> And now, go to guest OS to resize partition. I have only one partition, an…
Backdooring a OS VM 来源 提示: 1.经过实验,fortios 5.4 beta4也是可以的. 2.在实验时,选择先下载fortios 5.2(做了快照),再升级5.4,则虚拟机挂载需要选择FortiGate-VM-disk1-000001.vmdk 3.将fortios虚拟机重新打开时,会遇到硬盘id不匹配的问题,只需要修改相应的vmdk文件. Cannot open t…
Setting up (VirtualBox) 1. Get the new DevCloud 2.0 virtual appliance. The new image was created using this process. Note: it could take some time as the image is about 900MB. 2. Install VirtualBox 4.2 or latest. 3. Create and config a "host-only&quo…
一次vm 虚拟机时间倒流而导致的oracle 数据库启动故障 本文是原创文章.若转载请注明出处: 直接上数据库的alert日志: Fri Apr 25 22:00:54 2014 <-----注意该时间 Archived Log entry 1766 added for thread 1 sequence 1770 ID 0x4e0785c3 dest 1: Sun Sep 02 23…