(The reason why I write English blog is that I'm trying to improve my written English. The Chinese version will be appended later.) Tips For Your Maya Plugin Development - Request a block of node id from Autodesk for your studio or company if you ar…
My system is CentOS7 x64, Maya2015 x64 for Linux. - Make sure that your project is built with flag -g - Start Maya, and find out the process ID of maya.bin. e.g. you can find the process ID in System Monitor. This is my screenshot, and my maya.bin's…
在使用Maven插件编译Maven项目的时候报了这样一个错:[Java source1.5不支持diamond运算符,请使用source 7或更高版本以启用diamond运算符],这里记录下出现这个错误的原因以及解决这个问题的方法. 问题出现的原因 diamond运算符,指的是JDK1.7的一个新特性: List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); // 老版本写法 List<String> list = new ArrayL…