Barcode Professional for .NET Windows Forms条形码控件是一款灵活和强大的.NET组件(.NET DLL 类库),它让您轻松地添加条码生成和打印功能到您的.NET应用程序中.支持几乎所有当前常用的条码:Code 39, Code 128, GS1-128, GS1 DataBar (RSS-14), EAN 13 & UPC, Postal (USPS, British Royal Mail, Australia Post, DHL,等), Data Ma…
Reference: 1. Shell 读取文件和写文件 for line in $(<top30000.url.utf-8.http_server_front_hphp.txt); do tmp_port=8080; for((i=0;i<=7;i++));do echo ${line/192\.168\.12\.63/192\.168\.12\.63:$tmp_port} >>top3000…
转自stackoverflow: Another way to make a directory stay empty (in the repo) is to create a .gitignore inside that directory that contains two lines: 在空目录下创建.g…