When you implement a search bar, the user can make several different queries in a row. With a Promise based implementation, the displayed result would be what the longest promise returns. This is the problem which we want to solve. <!DOCTYPE html> &…
原文:https://coryrylan.com/blog/angular-multiple-http-requests-with-rxjs --------------------------------------------------------------- Cory Rylan Nov 15, 2016 Updated Feb 25, 2018 - 5 min readangular rxjs This article has been updated to the latest v…
A Promise invokes a function which stores a value that will be passed to a callback. So when you wrap a Promise with an Observable, you'll always get that same value. This enables you to use the behavior as a caching mechanism when the Promises make…
ui-router's states and AngularJS directives have much in common. Let's explores the similarities between the two and how these patterns have emerged in Angular. Keeping your states and directives consistent can also help with refactoring as your app…
最近一直在看关于AngularJS 2的资料,查看了网上和官网很多资料,接下来就根据官网教程步骤一步步搭建我的第一个Angular App AngularJS 2说明请参考:http://cnodejs.org/topic/55af2bc4911fb957520eacef 官网教程地址:https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/quickstart.html 先直接在GitHub上下载Angular QuickStart Source,当然这个源码是直接运行不起来的.G…
Refactoring streams in RxJS is mostly moving pieces of smaller streams around. This lessons demonstrates a simple refactoring by requiring the StopWatch to be more configurable.  Code we have now: const Observable = Rx.Observable; const startButton =…
RxJS is super when dealing with the dynamic value. Let's see an example which not using RxJS: var a = 4; var b = a * 10; console.log(b); a = 5; console.log(b); So you change a, it won't affect b's value because b is already defined.... So if you want…
requirejs + angular + angular-route 浅谈HTML5单页面架构 众所周知,现在移动Webapp越来越多,例如天猫.京东.国美这些都是很好的例子.而在Webapp中,又要数单页面架构体验最好,更像原生app.简单来说,单页面App不需要频繁切换网页,可以局部刷新,整个加载流畅度会好很多. 废话就不多说了,直接到正题吧,浅谈一下我自己理解的几种单页面架构: 1.requirejs+angular+angular-route(+zepto) 最后这个zepto可有可无…
先来看一个例子 <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="zh-cn"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>angularJS</title> <!--angular引用--> <script src="http://apps.bdimg.com/libs/angular.js/1.4.6/angular.min.…
angularJS加载进来后,会有一个立即执行函数调用,在源代码的最下面是angular初始化的地方.代码展示: bindJQuery(); publishExternalAPI(angular); jqLite(document).ready(function() { angularInit(document, bootstrap); }); bindJQuery方法的作用是:检查你的主页面是否引用了jquery,没有的话,就用angular本身自带的JQLite,否则使用你引用的jquery…