[原文] PORT CONFIGURATION REGISTER (GPACON-GPJCON) In S3C2440A, most of the pins are multiplexed pins. So, It is determined which function is selected for each pins. The PnCON(port control register) determines which function is used for each pin. If PE…
现象:ssh连接以后,服务器会主动断开连接,wireshark抓包,发线服务器会tcp rst,断开ssh连接 解决尝试:1.修改会话超时时间:2.客户端主动间隔性向服务器发送保活报文:3.服务端主动间隔性向客户端发送保活报文   全部失败 参考下面的资料都尝试了,无解 参考: 1.http://www.talkwithtrend.com/Question/225451 2.https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/259225/packet-write-…
1.前言 Port Control and Interrupt (PORT)  模块提供了port control,digital filtering,和外部中断功能 每个pin的大部分功能可被独立配置,不管pin用作何种功能,对pin的配置都会起作用 2.特性 Pin interrupt 每个pin都有中断标志和中断使能寄存器 每个pin支持边沿触发和电平触发寄存器配置 每个pin支持中断或DMA请求配置 低功耗模式下的异步唤醒 在所有的pin muxing mode下都具有pin中断功能??…
环境:DB VERSION: 2 nodes 问题:邮件显示rman备份失败,查看rman备份日志 Starting Control File and SPFILE Autobackup at 2013-12-30 04:07:02released channel: c1released channel: c2released channel: c3released channel: c4RMAN-00571: ============================…
1.前言 本文主要描述多功能引脚相关的内容,包括5个32位的引脚的端口,每个32pin端口被指定一个中断 2.Signal Multiplexing Integration 3. Port control and interrupt summary 4. PCRn reset values for port A PCRn bit reset values for port A are 1 for the following bits:• For PCR0: bits 1, 6, 8, 9, an…
http://blog.csdn.net/linghe301/article/details/10094421 今天尝试在Linux环境下安装ArcGIS Server10.2,启动服务碰到一个错误:ERROR: Unable to start Xvfb on any port in the range 6600 - 6619. 具体环境: Linux:Redhat 6.4 64Bit ArcGIS Server 10.2 因为前一段时间在群上也有人问起这个错误,当时没有太在意,今天自己安装也碰…
一.问题说明 操作系统: RedHat 5.8 数据库: 2节点RAC. 使用RMAN 备份的时候,报如下错误: ORA-00245: control file backup failed;target is likely on a local file system 这个问题只存在Oracle 11gR2以后的RAC 环境. 二.ORA-245 触发条件 在以下的5种环境下,会出现ORA-00245的错误. 2.1 RAC 环境下,自动备份备份控制文件,会因为ORA-245的…
Erlang核心开发者Lukas Larsson在2014年3月份Erlang Factory上的一个演讲详细介绍了Erlang内存体系的原理以及调优案例: http://www.erlang-factory.com/conference/show/conference-6/home/#lukas-larsson 在这里可以下载slides和观看视频(为了方便不方便科学上网的同学,我把视频搬运到了 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzA1MjA0OTEy.html )…
转自:https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/docs/lanana/device-list/devices-2.6.txt LINUX ALLOCATED DEVICES (2.6+ version) Maintained by Torben Mathiasen <device@lanana.org> Last revised: 25 January 2005 This list is the Linux Device List, the official regi…
What Are the Controls?The detailed Consensus Audit Guidelines are posted at http://www.sans.org/cag/ along with detailed control descriptions, examples of attacks they stop or mitigate, how to automate them, and how to test them. Below is the list of…