PHP编译安装时常见错误解决办法,php编译常见错误 1.configure: error: xslt-config not found. Please reinstall the libxslt >= 1.1.0 distribution 解决方法: yum -y install libxslt-devel 2.configure: error: Could not find net-snmp-config binary. Please check your net-snmp installa…
验证位置时发生错误:“org.tigris.subversion.javahl.ClientException...... 验证位置时发生错误:“org.tigris.subversion.javahl.ClientException: RA layer request failed svn: Server sent unexpected return value (403 Forbidden) in response to OPTIONS request for 'http://192.168…
JsonResult作为Action返回值时的错误 System.InvalidOperationException: This request has been blocked because sensitive information could be disclosed to third party web sites when this is used in a GET request. To allow GET requests, set JsonRequestBehavior t…
这两天也没改过eclipse和java的配置,但eclipse启动时报告错误:Java was started but returned exit code=-805306369 后来在eclipse.ini的最后加了以下一行就搞定了. -XX:CompileCommand=exclude,org/eclipse/core/internal/dtree/DataTreeNode,forwardDeltaWith…
前几日安装sql server2008r2 的时候碰到这个问题: 出现以下错误: SQL Server 安装程序在运行 Windows Installer 文件时遇到错误. Windows Installer 错误消息: 打开安装日志文件的错误.请验证指定的日志文件位置是否存在,是否可以写入. Windows Installer 文件: D:\qqdownload\cn_sql_server_2014_express_with_advanced_services_x64_exe_3949524\…