本文转自:https://fideloper.com/laravel-raw-queries Business logic is often complicated. Because of this, we often need to write our own SQL queries. Luckily, Laravel's query builder has the tools we need to safely run such queries. A key concern when wri…
原文 Executing Raw SQL Queries using Entity Framework While working with Entity Framework developers mostly use LINQ to Entities to query database. However, at times you may need to execute raw queries against the database. A common scenario is when yo…
Raw queries原始查询 就是使用了原始的查询语句,如UPDATE users SET y = 42 WHERE x = 12 As there are often use cases in which it is just easier to execute raw / already prepared SQL queries, you can utilize the function sequelize.query. 当经常有使用更简单的执行原始/已经准备好的SQL查询的情况出现时,你…
目录 Making queries 进行查询 创建一个对象(一条数据记录) 保存修改的表对象 保存外键字段或多对多字段(ForeignKey or ManyToManyField fields) Retrieving objects 查出对象(QuerySet) Retrieving all objects 查出所有对象 Retrieving specific objects with filters 通过 filter 查出指定的对象 Retrieving a single object wi…