By Chris Milk # Background about our speaker Working at the frontiers of interactive technology, Chris Milk stretches virtual reality into a new canvas(画布) for storytelling. # Why you should listen Chris Milk first gained renown(声誉:名望) as a director,…
整个社会对虚拟现实的研究和开发源于上个世纪六十年代,计算机图形学.人机接口技术.图像处理与模式识别.多传感技术.语音处理与音响技术.高性能计算机系统.人工智能等领域在之后半个世纪取得了长足的发展为虚拟现实产业爆发打下的坚实的基础. 2014年Facebook以20亿美元收购的Oculus已经是VR行业领头羊,预计将于2016年初推出第一代面向大众的商用虚拟现实头戴式眼镜Oculus Rift;Sony在3D头盔就是行业领先者,预计将于16年上半年推出PlayStation VR,与PS4搭配使用…
ESI's Virtual Reality software solution IC.IDO is an exceedingly powerful immersive engineering solution combining high-end visualization and real-time simulation of product behavior in its actual size, and allows product operation very close to real…
Virtual Reality In Action VR WebXR immersive 沉浸式 WebXR Device API Editor's Draft, 28 August 2020 WebXR Device API W3C Working Draft, 24 July 202…
错误的描述: 在kafka安装目录下,执行 $ bin/ config/ & Unrecognized VM option 'UseCompressedOops' Error: Clould not create the Java Vritual Machine. Error: A fatal exception has occurres . Program will exit. 解决方法: 找到bin/k…
安装owncloud出现:Error while trying to create admin user: An exception occurred while executing 1.安装owncloud出现如下报错 Error ’ with Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a stor…
启动Jmeter4.0 后弹出命令窗口提示信息: WARNING: Could not open/create prefs root node Software\JavaSoft\Prefs at root 0 x80000002. Windows RegCreateKeyEx(...) returned error code 5. 原因: 用管理员账户打开jmeter.bat不报此问题,用非管理员账户打开即报此问题. 解决方法: win+R输入regedit回车,打开注册表编辑器. 找到HKE…
举书上的例子,考虑一个virtual函数的应用实例: class GameCharacter { private: int BaseHealth; public: virtual int GetHealthValue() const // 返回游戏人物的血量 { return BaseHealth; } int GetBaseHealth() const { return BaseHealth; } }; class KnightBoss : public GameCharacter { pub…
1.启动已经新增好的设备时,提示:the virtual device got no ip address,于是在网上搜索该问题,便得到提示,先启动virtual box中的该模拟设备,于是便启动,出现了另外一个问题: 2.提示:This kernel requires an X86-64 CPU,but only detected an i686 CPU 3.出现以上问题之后,搜索得知,需要进行以下设置,但是,这个virtual box是安装在虚拟机中了,硬件加速项为置灰的,于是,我便到该虚拟…
早上一来,我的eclipse就无法启动了,错误就是这句话: eclipse failed to create the java virutal machine 直译就是eclipse无法创建JAVA虚拟机. 问题解决思路: 1.确保java虚拟机是已经正常运行的. 2.确保JAVA_HOME的环境变量是正确设置的. 3.检查eclipse的启动配置项eclipse.ini --------------------------------------------------------------…