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 ICIC Express Letters                  ICIC International ⓒ2010 ISSN 1881-803X Volume4, Number5, October 2010                                                pp.1–6   A Novel Multi-label Classification Based on PCA and ML-KNN Di Wu, Dapeng Zhang, Fe…
Title:  Multiclonal Invasion in Breast Tumors Identified by Topographic Single Cell Sequencing 课题的目的和意义: Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS,原位导管癌)是一种早期的乳腺癌,很少发展成invasive ductal carcinoma(IDC,浸润型导管癌).由于瘤内异质性和导管中肿瘤细胞数量低,因此很难刻画在侵袭期间的基因组进化过程.为了克服这个障碍,作者开发了To…
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are responsible for the major breakthroughs in image recognition made in the past few years. In this chapter we will cover: Implementing a Simpler CNN Implementing an Advanced CNN Retraining Existing CNN models Ap…
借鉴了DenseNet的思想,用了空洞卷积而不是池化,使得特征图不会缩小,因此每个dense连接都可以直接连,最后一层是包括了前面所有层的特征图. 此外还加入了channel-wise的注意力,对每个通道进行筛选. 做的还是逐像素预测,选取一个像素点周围d的大小输入到网络中,得到标签. 补充: DenseNet 结构: 内存开销巨大.…
Two salient region detection methods are proposed in this paper: HC AND RC HC: Histogram based contrast 1. Primary method It is simply to calculate the saliency of each color in the input image, where each pixel's saliency is defined using its color…
abstract: Automatic estimation of salient object regions across images, without any prior assumption or knowledge of the contents of the corresponding scenes, enhances many computer vision and computer graphics applications. We introduce a regional c…
##Linear Regression with One Variable Linear regression predicts a real-valued output based on an input value. We discuss the application of linear regression to housing price prediction, present the notion of a cost function, and introduce the gradi…
This article come from HEREARS-L1: Learning Tuesday 10:30–12:30; Oral Session; Room: Leonard de Vinci 10:30  ARS-L1.1—GROUP STRUCTURED DIRTY DICTIONARY LEARNING FOR CLASSIFICATION Yuanming Suo, Minh Dao, Trac Tran, Johns Hopkins University, USA; Hojj…
CNN综述文章 的翻译 [2019 CVPR] A Survey of the Recent Architectures of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks 翻译 综述深度卷积神经网络架构:从基本组件到结构创新 目录 摘要    1.引言    2.CNN基本组件        2.1 卷积层        2.2 池化层        2.3 激活函数        2.4 批次归一化        2.5 Dropout        2.6 全连接层…