note that libGLESv2 is the recommended Khronos naming convention for the OpenGL ES 3.0 library. This is the same name as the OpenGL ES 2.0 library. The names match because OpenGL ES 3.0 is backward compatible with OpenGL ES 2.0; thus the same library…
Update 10/24/12: If you’d like a new version of this tutorial fully updated for iOS 6 and Xcode 4.5, check out iOS 5 by Tutorials Second Edition! Note from Ray: This is the fourth iOS 5 tutorial in the iOS 5 Feast! This tutorial is a free preview cha…
WebGL是一种3D绘图标准,这种绘图技术标准允许把JavaScript和OpenGL ES 2.0结合在一起,通过增加OpenGL ES 2.0的一个JavaScript绑定,WebGL可以为HTML5 Canvas提供硬件3D加速渲染,这样Web开发人员就可以借助系统显卡来在浏览器里更流畅地展示3D场景和模型了,还能创建复杂的导航和数据视觉化. 显然,WebGL技术标准免去了开发网页专用渲染插件的麻烦,可被用于创建具有复杂3D结构的网站页面,甚至可以用来设计3D网页游戏等等.…