Lab 16 The Linux Filesystem Goal: Develop a better understanding of Linux filesystem essentials including: the creation and use of links, using locate and find, and archiving and compressing files. System Setup: A working, installed Red Hat Enterpris…
Lab 4 Browsing the Filesystem Sequence 1: Directory and File Organization 1. Log in as user student with the password student. 2. [student@stationX ~]$ pwd/home/student 3. ls    ls -a    ls -al-a option includes files whose names begin with a period…
Lab 15 Switching Users and Setting a Umask Goal: Become familiar with the use of several essential commands in useridentification and account switching. System Setup: A working, installed Red Hat Enterprise Linux system with an unprivilegeduser accou…
Lab 9 Using vim Sequence 1: Navigating with vim 1. Log in as user student 2. [student@stationX ~]$ cp /etc/passwd ~ 3. [student@stationX ~]$ vim ~/passwd 4. First, try moving around using such as the arrows, PgUp, PgDn.They should all work as expecte…
Goal: Practice using a variety of tools to transfer files between your system and a remote system. System Setup: A working, installed Red Hat Enterprise Linux system with an unprivileged user account named student with a password of student. Lab Setu…
Lab 3 Getting Help with Commands Sequence 1: Using the Help Tools 1. man -f keyword whatis keyword list all man pages. 2. man -k keyword list all manual pages. 3. man -K keyword will be asked whether or not you would like to read it. 4. man 3 basenam…
Lab 8 Introduction to String Processing Sequence 1: Exercises in string processing 1. Other than the man page, how could you get a summary of options for the aspell command,displayed one page at a time?aspell --help | less 2. How many files are in th…
Lab 6 Exploring the Bash Shell Sequence 1: Directory and file organization 1. Log in as user student with the password student. 2. [student@stationX ~]$ pwd/home/student 3. [student@stationX ~]$ touch {report,memo,graph}_{sep,oct,nov,dec}_{a,b,c}_{1,…
Lab 5 File Permissions Sequence 1: Determining File Permissions 1. What is the symbolic representation644 rw-r--r--755 rwxr-xr-x000 ---------711 rwx--x--x700 rwx------777 rwxrwxrwx555 r-xr-xr-x111 --x--x--x600 rw-------731 rwx-wx--x 2. Given a file w…
Lab 7 Standard I/O and Pipes 1. [student@stationX ~]$ cat /proc/cpuinfo /proc/meminfo 2. [student@stationX ~]$ cat /proc/cpuinfo /proc/meminfo | less 3. [student@stationX ~]$ cat /proc/cpuinfo /proc/meminfo | mail -s "System Stats for $(hostname)&quo…
Lab 11 Process Control Sequence 1: Job Control 1. [student@stationX ~]$ su - 2. Begin some jobs in the background:[root@stationX ~]# tail -n0 -f /var/log/messages &[root@stationX ~]# updatedb & 3. [root@stationX ~]# service syslog restart 4. [root…
Lab 10 Understanding the Configuration Tools Sequence 1: Configuring the Network with system-config-network 1. Select System->Administration->Network. 2. Click New, highlight Ethernet Connection, and click Forward. 3. Highlight the device associated…
Sequence 1: Configuring the bash Shell Deliverable: A system with new aliases that clear the screen, and produce a useful timesortedls listing. Instructions: 1. You have decided to create an alias so that when you type c, the system will run the clea…
Sequence 1: Using find Scenario: Log in as user student. Devise and execute a find command that producesthe result described in each of the following problems, then write down thecommand in the space provided. You may need to refer to the man page fo…
End of Unit 1 • Questions and Answers • Summary • Open source and the right to modify • The GNU Project and the Free Software Foundation • Linus Torvalds and the Linux kernel • Red Hat Enterprise Linux and the Fedora Project • Basic Linux Principles…
Lab 17 Installation and Administration Tools Goal: Become familiar with system configuration tools and successfully install Red Hat Enterprise Linux Lab Setup: Ensure that a server1 repository is available. Provide students with boot.iso disk. Warnin…
Lab 3 Securing Networking Goal: To build skills with the Netfilter packet filter Sequence 1: Applying simple packet filtering to a host Scenario: A host (stationX) requires protection by packet filtering. This host has only one network interface, so…
Lab 2: Memory Management lab2中多出来的几个文件: inc/memlayout.h kern/pmap.c kern/pmap.h kern/kclock.h kern/kclock.c memlayout.h描述了虚拟地址空间的结构,我们需要通过修改pmap.c文件来实现这个结构.memlayout.h和pmap.h文件定义了一个PageInfo结构,利用这个结构可以记录有哪些物理页是空闲的.kclock.c和kclock.h文件中操作的是用电池充电的时钟,以及CM…
2013-08-25 13:39:40 第6章 ICMP:Internet控制报文协议 6.1 引言 ICMP经常被认为是IP层的一个组成部分.它传递差错报文以及其他需要注意的信息.ICMP报文同通常被IP层或更高层协议(TCP或UDP)使用.一些ICMP报文把差错报文返回给用户进程.ICMP报文是在IP数据报内部被传输的,如下图: 所有报文的前4个字节都是一样的,但是剩下的其他字节则互不相同.下面我们将逐个介绍各种报文格式.类型字段可以有15个不同的值,以描述特定类型的ICMP报文.某些ICM…
Lab 1 Managing Startup Goal: To familiarize yourself with the startup process System Setup: A system installed with Red Hat Enterprise Linux Sequence 1: Changing the default run level Deliverable: A system that boots to runlevel 3 by default. Instruc…
Lab 2 Working with packages Goal: To gain working experience with package management System Setup: A working install of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 connected to the classroom network Situation: You have been asked to connect a system to your company's…
Lab 5 User and Group Administration Goal: To build skills for user and group administration. Estimated Duration: 45 Minutes Lab Setup: Instructor: Start ypserv. Situation: You need to setup groups and accounts for several users in your company. Each…
Lab 6 Adding New Filesystems to the Filesystem Tree Goal: Develop skills and knowlege related to partitioning and filesystems Estimated Duration: 60 minutes Sequence 1: Creating and Mounting Filesystems Instructions: 1. Use fdisk -l to locate informa…
Lab 9 Installation and System-Initialization Goal: Successfully install Red Hat Enterprise Linux. System Setup: A computer capable of booting from CD. Warning: If your system cannot boot from the provided boot.iso CD, you might need to change the boo…
Lab 8 Manage Network Settings Goal: To build skills needed to manually configure networking Estimated Duration: 45 minutes System Setup: A Red Hat Enterprise Linux System using DHCP networking Lab Setup: Disable the DHCP service on server1. Sequence…
Lab 7 Advanced Filesystem Mangement Goal: Develop skills and knowlege related to Software RAID, LVM, quota and backup. Estimated Duration: 120 minutes Sequence 1: Implementing Quotas Deliverable: A user diskhog that cannot use more than 1024k of spac…
Lab 10 Exploring Virtualization Goal: To explore the Xen virtualization environment and the creation of a Domain-U virtual machine. Sequence 1: Installing the Xen Virtualization Environment Deliverable: A Red Hat Enterprise Linux system running the X…
Lab 11 System Rescue and Troubleshooting Goal: To build skills in system rescue procedures. Estimated Duration: 2 hours Lab Setup: When using rescue mode on a Xen enabled system, you may be prompted to select which root partition to mount. If you are…
Lab 6 Implementing Web(HTTP) Services Goal: To implement a Web(HTTP) server with a virtual host and CGI capability. System Setup: Throughout this lab, the hostnames and domain names that you use will be based upon the IP address of your machine. Any…
Lab 5 Network File Sharing Services Goal: Share file or printer resources with FTP, NFS and Samba Sequence 1: Implementing File Transport Protocol(FTP) Services Deliverable: A working FTP server accessible to hosts and users. An available, but "invis…