
B. Urbanization 题目链接 http://codeforces.com/contest/735/problem/B 题面 Local authorities have heard a lot about combinatorial abilities of Ostap Bender so they decided to ask his help in the question of urbanization. There are n people who plan to move…
Urbanization time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Local authorities have heard a lot about combinatorial abilities of Ostap Bender so they decided to ask his help in the questio…
735B - Urbanization 思路:贪心.人数少的城市住钱最多的那几个人. 不证明了,举个例子吧:a1<a2<a3<a4<a5 (a1+a2+a3)/3+(a4+a5)/2==(2*a1+2*a2+2*a3+3*a4+3*a5)/6① (a1+a2)/2+(a3+a4+a5)/3==(3*a1+3*a2+2*a3+2*a4+2*a5)/6    ② 因为a4+a5>a1+a2所以①式大于②式,同理可证其他方案都比①式小. 本质就是分母通分后都一样,在分子中把最大的分…
B. Urbanization time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Local authorities have heard a lot about combinatorial abilities of Ostap Bender so they decided to ask his help in the ques…
time limit per test2 seconds memory limit per test256 megabytes inputstandard input outputstandard output Local authorities have heard a lot about combinatorial abilities of Ostap Bender so they decided to ask his help in the question of urbanization…
A - Ostap and Grasshopper zz题能不能跳到  每次只能跳K步 不能跳到# 问能不能T-G  随便跳跳就可以了  第一次居然跳越界0.0  傻子哦  WA1 n,k = map(int,input().split()) s = input() i = 0 st = -1 def jump(st): while(st<n): st+=k if(st>=n or s[st]=='#'): return "NO" if(s[st]=='T' or s[st…
Much has been said about what the 'China Dream' really means to many Chinese -- whether it is national strength, cultural renewal or more modest personal goals. For many of those living in the vast countryside, the dream is a life in one a city and s…
1.EXEALL.m function EXEALL(FilePath, FileName)%执行所有流程% FilePath: 文件夹所在路径% FileName: 文件夹名称 FullPath = [FilePath , FileName , '\' , FileName , '.txt']; allPixelPath = [FilePath , FileName , '\', FileName , '.allpixel.csv']; TestdataPath = [FilePath , F…
In Dapu, a rain-drenched rural outpost in the heart of China's grain basket, a farmer grows crops that she wouldn't dare to eat. A state-backed chemicals factory next to her farm dumps wastewater directly into the local irrigation pond, she says, and…
China's newly revised elder-care law has come as good news for a handful of entrepreneurs who specialize in outsourcing those now-mandated visits to grandma and grandpa. revised:修改的,改进的 outsourcing:外包,外购 mandated:强制性的,托管 The new law, which requires a…