2120: 数颜色 Time Limit: 6 Sec Memory Limit: 259 MBSubmit: 6286 Solved: 2489[Submit][Status][Discuss] Description 墨墨购买了一套N支彩色画笔(其中有些颜色可能相同),摆成一排,你需要回答墨墨的提问.墨墨会像你发布如下指令: 1. Q L R代表询问你从第L支画笔到第R支画笔中共有几种不同颜色的画笔. 2. R P Col 把第P支画笔替换为颜色Col.为了满足墨墨的要求,你知道你需要干…
JRY wants to drag racing along a long road. There are nn sections on the road, the ii-th section has a non-negative integer length sisi. JRY will choose some continuous sections to race (at an unbelievable speed), so there are totally n(n+1)2n(n+1)2 …
Yash is finally tired of computing the length of the longest Fibonacci-ish sequence. He now plays around with more complex things such as Fibonacci-ish potentials. Fibonacci-ish potential of an array ai is computed as follows: Remove all elements j i…
题目背景 警告:滥用本题评测者将被封号 We could have had it all. . . . . . 我们本该,拥有一切 Counting on a tree. . . . . . 何至于此,数数树上 Counting on a Tree(CoaT)即是本题的英文名称. 题目描述 Access Globe 最近正在玩一款战略游戏.在游戏中,他操控的角色是一名C 国士 兵.他的任务就是服从指挥官的指令参加战斗,并在战斗中取胜. C 国即将向D 国发动一场秘密袭击.作战计划是这样的:选择D…
一.前言 本文内容主要来自博客:https://wudashan.com/2017/10/23/Redis-Distributed-Lock-Implement/,本文用于归纳总结及笔记用途,如有需要请看原博客 分布式锁一般有三种实现方式: ① 数据库乐观锁 ② 基于Redis的分布式锁 ③ 基于ZooKeeper的分布式锁 本篇文章主要介绍基于Redis实现的分布式锁,且只考虑Redis单机部署的场景,如果是多机部署可以尝试使用Redisson实现(Redis官方提供的Java组件) 二.分布…