7 Tools for Data Visualization in R, Python, and Julia Last week, some examples of creating visualizations with htmlwidgets and R were presented. Fortunately, there are many more options available for creating nice visualizations. Tools and libraries…
对数据可视化比较有兴趣,因此最近在看coursera上伊利诺伊大学香槟分校的数据可视化课程,做了一些笔记. 1. 定义 Data visualization is a high bandwidth connection between data on a computer system and a human brain, facilitated by visual communication. 2. 特征 洞悉数据,通过对数据的深入观察来帮助做进一步的决策,为后续探索研究提供进一步的假设. 3…
A Quick Overview of the ggplot2 Package in R While it will be important to focus on theory, I want to explain the ggplot2 package because I will be using it throughout the rest of this series. Knowing how it works will keep the focus on the results r…
Introduction to Data Visualization – Theory, R & ggplot2 The topic of data visualization is very popular in the data science community. The market size for visualization products is valued at $4 Billion and is projected to reach $7 Billion by the end…
Bokeh Data Visualization | DataCamp https://www.datacamp.com/courses/interactive-data-visualization-with-bokeh Bokeh is an interactive data visualization library for Python (and other languages!) that targets modern web browsers for presentation. It…
Introduction to Data Visualization with Python | DataCamp https://www.datacamp.com/courses/introduction-to-data-visualization-with-python This course extends Intermediate Python for Data Science to provide a stronger foundation in data visualization…
Data visualization - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_visualization Data visualization or data visualisation is viewed by many disciplines as a modern equivalent of visual communication. It involves the creation and study of the visual re…
Learn how humans work to create a more effective computer interface 三种reasoning的方式 Deductive Reasoning (演绎推理): Basically drawing a conclusion based on the data. Inductive Reasoning (归纳推理): If something is ture for x, then it's true for x+1; if it's…
2-D Graphics vector graphics : the graphics that used for drawing shapes with vertices, strokes and fills. raster graphics (光栅图形): a rectilinear ray of pixels and these pixels are assigned colors and by assigning. 一般用vector graphic去描绘点或者线:raster grap…
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def is_outlier(points, threshold=3.5): if len(points.shape) == 1: points = points[:, None] # Find the median number of points median = np.median(points, axis=0) diff = np.sum((points - median)**2, ax…
Before you can plot anything, you need to specify which backend Matplotlib should use. The simplest option is to use Jupyter’s magic command %matplotlib inline. This tells Jupyter to set up Matplotlib so it uses Jupyter’s own backend. Scatter Plot ho…
factoextra is an R package making easy to extract and visualize the output of exploratory multivariate data analyses, including: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), which is used to summarize the information contained in a continuous (i.e, quantitati…
ABSTRACT Recent technological advancement have led to a deluge of data from distinctive domains (e.g., health care and scientific sensors, user-generated data, Internet and financial companies, and supply chain systems) over the past two decades. The…
From: http://nirvacana.com/thoughts/becoming-a-data-scientist/ Data Science, Machine Learning, Big Data Analytics, Cognitive Computing …. well all of us have been avalanched with articles, skills demand info graph’s and point of views on these topics…
https://github.com/mattbane/RecommenderSystem http://grouplens.org/datasets/movielens/ KDDCUP-2012官网 From kdnuggets Data repositories AWS (Amazon Web Services) Public Data Sets, provides a centralized repository of public data sets that can be seamle…
Are you a interested in taking a course with us? Learn about our programs or contact us at hello@zipfianacademy.com. There are plenty of articles and discussions on the web about what data science is, what qualitiesdefine a data scientist, how to nur…
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc163299.aspx#S1 Data Binding in WPF John Papa Code download available at:DataPoints2007_12.exe(161 KB) Contents Data Binding SpecificsCreating a Simple BindingBinding ModesA Time to BindBinding to XMLObjec…
Seven Python Tools All Data Scientists Should Know How to Use If you’re an aspiring data scientist, you’re inquisitive – always exploring, learning, and asking questions. Online tutorials and videos can help you prepare you for your first role, but t…
http://blog.csdn.net/pipisorry/article/details/44245575 关于怎么学习python,并将python用于数据科学.数据分析.机器学习中的一篇非常好的文章 Comprehensive learning path – Data Science in Python 深度学习路径-用python进行数据学习 Journey from a Pythonnoob(新手) to a Kaggler on Python So, you want to bec…
@theboysmithy did a great piece on coming up with an alternate view for a timeline for an FT piece. Here’s an excerpt (read the whole piece, though, it’s worth it): Here is an example from a story recently featured in the FT: emerging- market populat…
In my last article, I stated that for practitioners (as opposed to theorists), the real prerequisite for machine learning is data analysis, not math. One of the main reasons for making this statement, is that data scientists spend an inordinate amoun…
https://github.com/onurakpolat/awesome-bigdata A curated list of awesome big data frameworks, resources and other awesomeness. Inspired by awesome-php, awesome-python, awesome-ruby, hadoopecosystemtable & big-data. Your contributions are always welco…