business meeting】的更多相关文章

Metting are all about discussions . discussion expression 开始会议 Let's get started We need to discuss... We need to talk about... The first thing we need to discuss is ... The first item on the agenda is... Need to discussing solutions for problems We…
var appInsights=window.appInsights||function(config){ function r(config){t[config]=function(){var i=arguments;t.queue.push(function(){t[config].apply(t,i)})}}var t={config:config},u=document,e=window,o="script",s=u.createElement(o),i,f;for(s.src…
Meeting time: 2016.June.21 1:00~2:00 Chairperson:  Thierry Carrez Meeting summary: 1.Add current house rules for reference This lists exceptions to the formal votes for various changes in the openstack/governance repository. It corresponds to house r…
 Understand the Business Domain Mark Richards EFFECTivE SoFTWARE ARCHiTECTS understand not only technology but also the business domain of a problem space. Without business domain knowl- edge, it is difficult to understand the business problem, goal…
参加一个线上培训,收到了Skype的参会地址,是这个样子的 然后就是一脸懵逼的不知道怎么参加会议了.找了半天终于在同事的帮助下参加成功. 我的参加方法:在Window上用Skype for Business 参考地址: 1.打开S…
Instant Messaging for Business: Your 10 Best Options By Iaroslav Kudritskiy It's probably not a surprise to you, but you or our employees are probably already using instant messaging for business. Formally or informally their likely having conversati…
建议补丁 建议在sharepoint2016打上KB3127940补丁,补丁下载地址 当然不打,也可以用OneDrive for Business 设置所需的服务 在 SharePoint Server 2016 本地环境中设置 OneDrive for Business 时需要在您的服务器场中运行以下服务: Managed Metadata Service 应用程序 My Sites User Pro…
一.简介 (一)什么是jbpm JBPM,全称是Java Business Process Management(业务流程管理),它是覆盖了业务流程管理.工作流.服务协作等领域的一个开源的.灵活的.易扩展的可执行流程语言框架. (二)为什么用jbpm 业务分析师和开发人员使用的是同一种语言来交谈,大大降低了开发的风险,如果要开发一个项目,速度也更快了,因为开发人员不用再将用户需求转化成软件设计了. 其次,JBPM采用的不是一般的开发工具,而是自己的图形化开发工具,非常方便随时了解和掌握运行的进程…
A group of two or more people wants to meet and minimize the total travel distance. You are given a 2D grid of values 0 or 1, where each 1 marks the home of someone in the group. The distance is calculated using Manhattan Distance, where distance(p1,…
Given an array of meeting time intervals consisting of start and end times [[s1,e1],[s2,e2],...] (si < ei), find the minimum number of conference rooms required. For example,Given [[0, 30],[5, 10],[15, 20]],return 2. 这道题是之前那道Meeting Rooms的拓展,那道题只让我们是…