Algorithms code】的更多相关文章

一些值得回看的小算法. 最长的连续子数组 子数组数字不重复 int [] arr={1,2,3,4,7}; //输出4 int [] arr1={1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1}; //输出5 package RecursiveAndDynamic; /** * Created by zdmein on 2017/9/2. * 最长的连续子数组(子数组数字不重复) * int [] arr={1,2,3,4,7}; 输出4 * int [] arr1={1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5…
转: 一.特征提取Feature Extraction:   SIFT [1] [Demo program][SIFT Library] [VLFeat]   PCA-SIFT [2] [Project]   Affine-SIFT [3] [Project]   SURF [4] [OpenSURF] [Matlab Wrapper]   Affine Covariant Features [5] [Oxfo…
In this post we take a tour of the most popular machine learning algorithms. It is useful to tour the main algorithms in the field to get a feeling of what methods are available. There are so many algorithms available and it can feel overwhelming whe…
Converting a fisheye image into a panoramic, spherical or perspective projection Written by Paul Bourke November 2004 The source code implementing the projections below is only availableon request for a small fee. It includes a demo application and a…
from: 一.特征提取Feature Extraction:   SIFT [1] [Demo program][SIFT Library] [VLFeat]   PCA-SIFT [2] [Project]   Affine-SIFT [3] [Project]   SURF [4] [OpenSURF] [Matlab Wrapper]   Affine Covariant Features [5] [O… A Tour of Machine Learning Algorithms by Jason Brownlee on November 25, 2013 in Machine Learning Algorithms   In this p…
这篇blog,原来是西弗吉利亚大学的Li xin整理的,CV代码相当的全,不知道要经过多长时间的积累才会有这么丰富的资源,在此谢谢LI Xin .我现在分享给大家,希望可以共同进步!还有,我需要说一下,不管你的理论有多么漂亮,不管你有多聪明,如果没有实验来证明,那么都是错误的.  OK~本博文未经允许,禁止转载哦!  By  wei shen Reproducible Research in Computational Science “It doesn't matter how beautif…
w 大数据的发展,伴随的将是软件工程师的渐退,算法工程师的崛起…
UIUC的Jia-Bin Huang同学收集了很多计算机视觉方面的代码,链接如下:   这些代码很实用,可以让我们站在巨人的肩膀上~~   Topic Resources References Feature Extraction SIFT [1] [Demo program][SIFT Library] [VLFeat] PCA-SIFT [2] [Projec…
Machine Learning Algorithms Study Notes 高雪松 @雪松Cedro Microsoft MVP 本系列文章是Andrew Ng 在斯坦福的机器学习课程 CS 229 的学习笔记. Machine Learning Algorithms Study Notes 系列文章介绍 2    Supervised Learning    3 2.1    Perceptron Learning Algorithm (PLA)    3 2.1.1    PLA --…