目录 问题 上的PCA Hron K, Menafoglio A, Templ M, et al. Simplicial principal component analysis for density functions in Bayes spaces[J]. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2016: 330-350. 问题 我们知道一般的PCA,其数据是\(x \in \mathbb{R}^n\)的,事实上,已经有很多关于函数类数据的PC…
Principal Component Analysis(PCA) algorithm summary mean normalization(ensure every feature has sero mean) Sigma = 1/m∑(xi)(xi)T [U,S,V] = svd(Sigma) ureduce = u(:,1:K) Z = ureduce ' * X Pick smallest value of k for which ∑ki=1 Sii / ∑i=mi=1 Sii >…
目录 引 一些微弱的假设: 问题的解决 理论 去随机 Dual Certificates(对偶保证?) Golfing Scheme 数值实验 代码 Candes E J, Li X, Ma Y, et al. Robust principal component analysis[J]. Journal of the ACM, 2011, 58(3). 引 这篇文章,讨论的是这样的一个问题: \[ M = L_0 + S_0 \] 有这样的一个矩阵\(M \in \mathbb{R}^{n_1…
Abstract A cataract is lens opacification caused by protein denaturation which leads to a decrease in vision and even results in complete blindness at later stages. The concept of a classification system of automatic cataract detecting based on retin…