命令格式 git tag [-a | -s | -u <keyid>] [-f] [-m <msg> | -F <file>] <tagname> [<commit> | <object>] git tag -d <tagname>…​ git tag [-n[<num>]] -l [--contains <commit>] [--points-at <object>] [--colum…
命令格式 git init [-q | --quiet] [--bare] [--template=<template_directory>] [--separate-git-dir <git dir>] [--shared[=<permissions>]] [directory] 命令参数 --quiet, -q 安静模式,只打印错误和警告信息. 实例 a) 创建版本库 [huey@huey-K42JE git]$ mkdir hello_git [huey@huey…
"sc.exe" can also be used to create and delete services. If you want to create a new service, you can use the "create" commanded offered by the sc.exe tool. Before running this command, you need to prepre the following minimum informat…
Git GUI,Git Bash,Git CMD之间的区别 Git Bash: Bash,Unix shell的一种,Linux与Mac OS X v10.4都将它作为默认shell.Git Bash就是一个shell,是Windows下的命令行工具,可以执行Linux命令.Git Bash是基于CMD的,在CMD的基础上增添一些新的命令与功能.所以建议在使用的时候,用Bash更加方便. Git CMD: (命令行提示符)是Windows操作系统上的命令行解释程序.当你在Windows上安装gi…
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <selector xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"> <item android:color="@color/flatui_clouds" android:state_pressed="true" /> <…
命令格式 git branch [--color[=<when>] | --no-color] [-r | -a] [--list] [-v [--abbrev=<length> | --no-abbrev]] [--column[=<options>] | --no-column] [(--merged | --no-merged | --contains) [<commit>]] [<pattern>…​] git branch [--set…
http://www.liaoxuefeng.com/wiki/0013739516305929606dd18361248578c67b8067c8c017b000/001375840038939c291467cc7c747b1810aab2fb8863508000 https://www.zhihu.com/question/20431718 仓库初始化 git init echo "# xx项目--" >> README.md git add README.md git…
命令参数 git status [<options>…​] [--] [<pathspec>…​] 命令格式 --short, -s 短格式输出. -- long 长格式输出,默认选项. 实例 a) 查看工作树的状态 [huey@huey-K42JE hello_git]$ git status # On branch master nothing to commit (working directory clean) [huey@huey-K42JE hello_git]$ da…
命令格式 git commit [-a | --interactive | --patch] [-s] [-v] [-u<mode>] [--amend] [--dry-run] [(-c | -C | --fixup | --squash) <commit>] [-F <file> | -m <msg>] [--reset-author] [--allow-empty] [--allow-empty-message] [--no-verify] [-e]…
命令格式 git remote [-v | --verbose] git remote add [-t <branch>] [-m <master>] [-f] [--[no-]tags] [--mirror=<fetch|push>] <name> <url> git remote rename <old> <new> git remote remove <name> git remote set-head…