RPD Volume 168 Issue 4 March 2016 评论3】的更多相关文章

Shielding activation of petawatt laser facilities in Romania: a FLUKA preliminary evaluation   Abstract The FLUKA 2011.2c code was used to evaluate the activity induced in the irradiation chamber walls by secondary charged particles emitted during th…
Natural variation of ambient dose rate in the air of Izu-Oshima Island after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident   Abstract The ambient dose rate in air and radioactivity concentration in soil samples collected on Izu-Oshima Island wer…
Monte Carlo simulation of secondary radiation exposure from high-energy photon therapy using an anthropomorphic phantom   Abstract The development of intensity-modulated radiotherapy treatments delivering large amounts of monitor units (MUs) recently…
Non-vascular interventional procedures: effective dose to patient and equivalent dose to abdominal organs by means of DICOM images and Monte Carlo simulation   Abstract This study evaluates X-ray exposure in patient undergoing abdominal extra-vascula…
Design and fabrication of a multipurpose thyroid phantom for medical dosimetry and calibration   Abstract A multipurpose anthropomorphic neck phantom was designed and fabricated for use in medical applications. The designed neck phantom is composed o…
Influence of the phantom shape (slab, cylinder or Alderson) on the performance of an Hp(3) eye dosemeter   Abstract In the past, the operational quantity Hp(3) was defined for calibration purposes in a slab phantom. Recently, an additional phantom in…
GEANT4 calculations of neutron dose in radiation protection using a homogeneous phantom and a Chinese hybrid male phantom   Abstract The purpose of this study is to verify the feasibility(可行性) of applying GEANT4 (version 10.01) in neutron dose calcul…
Introduction to the special issue of Radiation Protection Dosimetry This special issue is a collection of peer-reviewed articles derived from presentations at the fourth EPR BioDose Meeting, held in Hanover, NH, USA in 4–8 October 2015. Organised by…
这一篇作为本期的结束是因为发现后面的一些基本上也是EPR有关的会议内容, Contribution of Harold M. Swartz to In VivoEPR and EPR Dosimetry In 2015, we are celebrating half a century of research in the application of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) as a biodosimetry tool to evaluat…
Using Stable Free Radicals to Obtain Unique and Clinically Useful Data In Vivo in Human Subjects Abstract This paper attempts to: (1) provide a critical overview of the challenges and opportunities to extend electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) into…
Evaluation of Imaging Dose From Different Image Guided Systems During Head and Neck Radiotherapy: A Phantom Study Abstract This work evaluated and compared the absorbed doses to selected organs in the head and neck region from the three image guided…
关注「WeiyiGeek」公众号 设为「特别关注」每天带你玩转网络安全运维.应用开发.物联网IOT学习! 希望各位看友[关注.点赞.评论.收藏.投币],助力每一个梦想. 本章目录 目录 0x00 Gitalk - 基于Github的评论系统 1.快速介绍 2.安装部署 3.使用实践 n.入坑出坑 1.使用Gitalk进行Github的Oauth认证无法跨域获取Token问题解决办法 作者: WeiyiGeek [唯一极客] 首发地址: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/2LL…
Time Series Anomaly Detection in Network Traffic: A Use Case for Deep Neural Networks from:https://jask.com/time-series-anomaly-detection-in-network-traffic-a-use-case-for-deep-neural-networks/ Introduction As the waves of the big data revolution cas…
https://github.com/pyconsk/2016-slides PyCon SK 2016 - March 2016 1DTrace and PythonJesús Cea Aviónjcea@jcea.es@jceahttpS://www.jcea.es/httpS://blog.jcea.es/PyCon SK 2016 - March 2016 2Jesús Cea Avión● Programming in Python since 1996 (Python 1.4).●…
Android Weekly Issue #248 March 5th, 2017 Android Weekly Issue #248. 本期内容包括: 为什么有时候应该让你的应用崩溃(而不是一味保护); Trello离线模式实现中两个id的问题; 如何让Dagger的component按照scope保存, 在屏幕旋转时不重建; 用Dagger构建Realm的数据库迁移逻辑; 利用各种mock工具写单元测试; Map上markers的动画实现; JUnit5中@DisplayName的使用; R…
Android Weekly Issue #249 March 19th, 2017 Android Weekly Issue #249 本期内容包括: 一个设计的实现Demo讨论; Kotlin的Coroutines可能还是没有RxJava好用; 在构建SDK/Libraries时需要注意的事项; 如何用OpenGL和JBox2D实现一个好看的多气泡选择器效果; 网络请求中Etag, If-Modified-Since的工作原理和用OkHttp的客户端实现; 用ClassyShark导出类型分…
Android Weekly Issue #250 March 26th, 2017 Android Weekly Issue #250. 本期内容: 好几篇关于Android O预览版的文章; JUnit 5的动态测试; 作为团队里唯一的Android开发如何学习和工作; Support库新推出的基于物理的动画API: SpringAnimation; Uber Rider项目重构中关于依赖注入的scope层级的改动; Kotlin和RxJava的简洁性. ARTICLES & TUTORIA…
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前言 Hexo的NexT主题本身就集成了一些评论系统,多说啊之类的已经关闭服务的略过不提,目前比较多人用的有畅言.来必力livere.Gitment.Gitalk.Disqus等. 我刚用的评论系统的时候,网易云跟贴和多说已经gg了,畅言需要备案,Disqus需要FQ,Gitment和Gitalk类似,都需要GitHub账号.经过搜集资料和考虑,我最终还是决定使用Gitment.只是在用了一段时间后,终于还是放弃了Gitment,转而使用来必力livere. Gitment的优缺点 最初我选择使…
https://opensource.com/yearbook/2015 The 2015 Open Source Yearbook is a community-contributed collection of the year's top open source projects, people, tools, and stories. (Also read the 2016 Open Source Yearbook.) Download now (PDF) Buy now (Paperb…
1 LVS : Linux Virtual Server http://www.linuxvirtualserver.org/ http://www.linuxvirtualserver.org/zh/ LVS是Linux Virtual Server的简写,意即Linux虚拟服务器,是一个虚拟的服务器集群系统. 本项目在1998年5月由章文嵩博士成立,是中国国内最早出现的自由软件项目之一. 1 Linux服务器集群系统(一) LVS项目介绍 章文嵩 (wensong@linux-vs.org)…
Stephen Smith's Blog All things Sage 300… The Road to TensorFlow – Part 7: Finally Some Code leave a comment » Introduction Well after a long journey through Linux, Python, Python Libraries, the Stock Market, an Introduction to Neural Networks and tr…
1 https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP/2 HTTP/2 维基百科,自由的百科全书                         HTTP/2(超文本传输协议第2版,最初命名为HTTP 2.0),是HTTP协议的的第二个主要版本,使用于万维网.HTTP/2是HTTP协议自1999年HTTP 1.1发布后的首个更新,主要基于SPDY协议.它由互联网工程任务组(IETF)的Hypertext Transfer Protocol Bis(httpbis)工作小组进行…
1.基本信息 题目:使用马尔科夫场实现基于超像素的RGB-D图像分割: 作者所属:Ferdowsi University of Mashhad(Iron) 发表:2015 International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing (AISP) 关键词:微软Kinect传感器:RGB-D图像分割:MRF:法向量 2.摘要 针对问题:能量最小化: 使用场景:室内场景标签问题(分割.分类等): 主要数据:微软Kin…
How to install 64-bit Google Chrome 28+ on 64-bit RHEL/CentOS 6 or 7 The problem Google developers seem to think that Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 - aka RHEL 6 - and its free equivalents (e.g. CentOS 6 and Scientific Linux 6) are no longer worth suppor…
http://www.gene-quantification.de/liquid-biopsy.html Liquid Biopsy -- Definitions Liquid Biopsy -- reliable biomarkers Liquid Biopsy -- the role in cancer diagnostics Liquid Biopsy -- the role of Exosomes Biofluids Guidelines Liquid Biopsy Research P…
每次看到黑客在网上发布的那些GSM技术相关文章我都十分惊讶.然而在没有Software Defined Radios (SDRs)之前,玩GSM并不便宜,除此之外想要好好玩你得下大功夫. 拓展阅读 GSM BTS Hacking: 利用BladeRF和开源BTS 5搭建基站 极客DIY:如何构建一台属于自己的基站 在阅读多篇有关GSM基站的文章之后,我注意到有关GSM基站这个话题有许多的不一致或者是讲的不够细致. 基于这一点,我决定写下今天这篇文章,进行手把手教学. 在文章开始之前,我要感谢所有…
基于自适应算法的PLC滴灌控制系统 陕西中际现代包装科技有限公司滴灌部 1.介绍 水资源正在成为一种珍贵的资源.城镇的市民使用成千上万立方的水来浇灌花园和绿地.他们依赖于使用固定灌溉计划的控制器.而这些控制器通常被编程为满足最大用水量,最终在凉爽的或阴天的日子里浪费了大量的水.农民的滴灌和喷灌系统也使用固定的灌溉控制器,因此在凉爽的日子里也浪费了大量的水,而且在生长季节开始,庄稼对水的需求是最小的. 本工作目的是开发开发自动的灌溉系统,使用单一的气候标准调整作物所需要的灌水深度.标准如:气温,总…
引用地址:http://www.linuxvirtualserver.org/zh/lvs3.html LVS集群中的IP负载均衡技术 章文嵩(wensong@linux-vs.org) 2002 年 4 月 本文在分析服务器集群实现虚拟网络服务的相关技术上,详细描述了LVS集群中实现的三种IP负载均衡技术(VS/NAT.VS/TUN和VS/DR)的工作原理,以及它们的优缺点. 1.前言在 前面文章中,讲述了可伸缩网络服务的几种结构,它们都需要一个前端的负载调度器(或者多个进行主从备份).我们先…
Paper about Event Detection. #@author: gr #@date: 2014-03-15 #@email: forgerui@gmail.com 看一些相关的论文. 1. <Efficient Visual Event Detection using Volumetric Features> ICCV 2005 扩展2D box 特征到3D时空特征. 构建一个实时的检测器基于容积特征. 采用传统的兴趣点方法检测事件. 2. <ARMA-HMM: A New…