SGU 461 Wiki Lists dfs】的更多相关文章

不难的题,不过蛮有意思的dfs #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <fstream> #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include <deque> #include <vector> #include <queue> #include <string> #include <cstring…
Review Canonical URL: Thing > CreativeWork > Review A review of an item - for example, of a restaurant, movie, or store. Usage: Between 250,000 and 500,000 domains [more...] Property Expected Type Description Properties from…
125. Shtirlits time limit per test: 0.25 sec. memory limit per test: 4096 KB There is a checkered field of size N x N cells (1 Ј N Ј 3). Each cell designates the territory of a state (i.e. N2 states). Each state has an army. Let A [i, j] be the numbe…
321. The Spy Network Time limit per test: 0.5 second(s)Memory limit: 65536 kilobytes input: standardoutput: standard The network of spies consists of N intelligence officers. They are numbered with the code numbers from 1 to N so that nobody could di…
题目链接: Due to the slow 'mod' and 'div' operations with int64 type, all Delphi solutions for the problem 455 (Sequence analysis) run much slower than the same code written in C++ or Java. We do not gua…
定义: (维基百科: 深度优先搜索算法(Depth-First-Search),是搜索算法的一种.是沿着树的深度遍历树的节点,尽可能深的搜索树的分支.当节点v的所有边都己被探寻过,搜索将回溯到发现节点v的那条边的起始节点.这一过程一直进行到已发现从源节点可达的所有节点为止.如果还存在未被发现的节点,则选择其中一个作为源节点并重复以上过程,整个进程反复进行直到所有节点都被访问为止(属于盲目搜索). 基…
Simple Matching LPeg is a powerful notation for matching text data, which is more capable than Lua string patterns and standard regular expressions. However, like any language you need to know the basic words and how to combine them. The best way to…
The AlphaGo Replication Wiki 摘自: Contents :  Home 01. Home 02. Code 03. Data 04. Neural Networks and Training 05. Supervised Policy Network (Phase I) 06. Reinforcement Policy Network (Phase II)…
令一个点的属性值为:去除这个点以及与这个点相连的所有边后得到的连通分量的节点数的最大值. 则树的重心定义为:一个点,这个点的属性值在所有点中是最小的. SGU 134 即要找出所有的重心,并且找出重心的属性值. 考虑用树形DP. dp[u]表示割去u点,得到的连通分支的节点数的最大值. tot[u]记录以u为根的这棵子树的节点数总和(包括根). 则用一次dfs即可预处理出这两个数组.再枚举每个点,每个点的属性值其实为max(dp[u],n-tot[u]),因为有可能最大的连通分支在u的父亲及以上…
A. One-dimensional Japanese Crossword time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Recently Adaltik discovered japanese crosswords. Japanese crossword is a picture, represented as a tabl…