Description One traveler travels among cities. He has to pay for this while he can get some incomes. Now there are n cities, and the traveler has m days for traveling. Everyday he may go to another city or stay there and pay some money. When he come…
转自: [题目大意] 一条公路上有n个旅馆,选出其中k个设置仓库,一个仓库可服务若干个旅馆,一个旅馆只需一个仓库服务.问在哪几个旅馆设置仓库,每个仓库服务哪些旅馆,可使得旅馆到仓库的总距离最小,并求出总距离(长理只要求求最后一步). 链接:点我 [数据范围] 1 <= n <= 200, 1 <= k <= 30, k <= n [解题思想] 1.此题…